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Tuesday, October 5

09:00 CEST

Application Penetration Testing – DOs and DON‘Ts
"Penetration Test" - an attack simulation. But how is pentesting defined? Are there "paid hackers"? How does efficient application testing works? How do I mitigate risks? The talk spotlights well known methods and "hack" within these methods, to speed up testing and be way more efficient. The following questions will be answered: - Should I test against Dev/Stage/Prod? - What's the best time for testing? - What's an efficient approach for testing roles and rights? - Why is OWASP Top 10 a great document, but not usable for Penetration Testing? - Why are CATCHAs a potential problem for testers? - Should I test with or without the Web Application Firewall? - What do you mean by "horizontal and vertical privilege escalation"? The talk covers test experience of 20 years and hundreds of web applications.

avatar for Tobias Glemser

Tobias Glemser

CEO of secuvera, BSI certified penetration tester, secuvera GmbH
Tobias Glemser, Geschäftsführer der secuvera, ist BSI-zertifizierter Penetrationstester und Technischer Leiter für Penetrationstests. Herr Glemser ist Autor mehrerer Fachartikel u.a. in den Zeitschriften c’t und iX und Referent bei Seminaren und Kongressen (z. B. OWASP AppSec... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 09:00 - 10:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

09:00 CEST

RapidClipse - Eclipse Power Low-Code Environment
RapidClipse ist eine visuelle Java Entwicklungsumgebung für die schnelle und effiziente Entwicklung individueller Business-Applikationen für den professionellen Einsatz in Unternehmen. Mit RapidClipse lassen sich moderne Web-Oberflächen auf Basis des neuen Web-Components-Standards bequem mit der Maus designen. UI-Designer brauchen dafür keinerlei Programmierkenntnisse und spätere Änderungen sind unkompiziert. Vor allem bei Projekten mit hohem UI-Anteil, lassen sich Entwicklungszeit und -kosten um bis zu 90% einsparen. Der generierte Code besitzt eine hohe Qualität und ist vor allem immer gleich. UI-Code selber zu schreiben ist daher nicht mehr wirtschaftlich. RapidClipse ist seit 2014 auf dem Markt und wird von vielen Unternehmen, wie der Allianz SE, für die Entwicklung datengetriebener Geschäftsanwendungen eingesetzt. Nachdem im vergangenem Jahr mit RapidClipse X ein vollständig neuer UI-Builder auf Basis von Web-Components dazu kam, lag der Fokus in den letzten 12 Monaten auf der Datenbankprogrammierung und Performance. Mit MicroStream bietet RapidClipse jetzt eine neues Persistenz-Framework und Alternative zur komplizierten Hibernate-Programmierung, mit der sich hochperformante In-Memory-Datenbankanwendungen entwickeln lassen. Datenbankankzugriffe werden mit MicroStream bis zu ungaubliche 1000 Mal schneller ausgeführt, Anwendungen benötigen 90% weniger Rechenleistung, was die Server- und Cloud-Betriebskosten senkt und last but not least wird die Datenbankentwicklung damit stark vereinfacht, was die Produktivität steigert. Dieser Vortrag bietet einen vollständigen Überblick über die Arbeitsweise und Möglichkeiten mit RapidClipse.

avatar for Markus Kett

Markus Kett

CEO, MicroStream
Markus has been working with Java since 20 years. Markus is co-founder and CEO at MicroStream, editor in chief for the free JAVAPRO magazine in Germany, co-organizer of the Java conference JCON in Duesseldorf, and well known as editor and speaker at many developer conferences and... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 09:00 - 10:00 CEST
#5 Low-Code

10:00 CEST

Was gibt es neues in RapidClipse 11? Mit Q&A Session
RapidClipse entwickelt sich zusammen mit dem umgebenden Software-Ökosystem weiter. In dieser Session stellen wir euch die neuen Funktionen in RapidClipse 11 vor und zeigen wie eure Projekt davon profitieren. Dabei gehen wir auch auf Verbesserungen im Dependency-Management und er Performace ein. Außerdem zeigen wir was für eine Migration von Version 10 auf Version 11 zu tun ist.

Anschließend geht unsere traditionelle Q&A Session mit dem RapidClipse Team in die nächste Runde.

Stellt eure Fragen, äußert eure Wünsche und wir versuch sie zu beantworten und schreiben fleißig mit welche Ideen es gibt.

Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch mit euch!

avatar for Richard Fichtner

Richard Fichtner

CEO, XDEV Software GmbH
Richard Fichtner is a passionate Java developer with more than 15 years of experience in the software industry. He is involved in the open-source community to spread knowledge about Java technologies. He speaks at conferences such as Oracle Code / JavaOne / JCON / Clean Code Days... Read More →
avatar for Sebastian Späth

Sebastian Späth

Software Developer, XDEV Software GmbH
Als Senior Java Developer habe ich bei MicroStream in verschiedenen Projekten gearbeitet. In knapp 10 Jahren habe ich fast alle Stationen durchlaufen und mir dabei jede Menge unterschiedliches Know-how aneignen können. Über das tagtägliche Lösen technischer Support-Fälle, unzähliger... Read More →
avatar for Christian Kuemmel

Christian Kuemmel

Project Manager, Senior Software Consultant, MicroStream Software GmbH
Projektleiter, Senior Software Consultant 12 Jahre im Java Umfeld tätig 8 Jahre Erfahrung im Umgang mit Hibernate Seit ca. 2 Jahren bei MicroStream

Tuesday October 5, 2021 10:00 - 11:00 CEST
#5 Low-Code

10:00 CEST

Getting Started with Jakarta NoSQL and MongoDB
The Jakarta NoSQL specification defines a set of APIs to provide a standard implementation for most NoSQL databases. Jakarta NoSQL is considered "one API for many NoSQL databases" as it supports the four types of NoSQL databases: column family, document, graph and key-value. This presentation will provide an introduction to Jakarta NoSQL and Eclipse JNoSQL, the compatible implementation to the specification, followed by a demonstration of a MongoDB application built with Jakarta NoSQL.

avatar for Michael Redlich

Michael Redlich

Lead Java Queue Editor, ExxonMobil Research & Engineering
Michael Redlich is a Senior Research Technician at ExxonMobil Research & Engineering in Clinton, New Jersey (views are his own) with experience in developing custom scientific laboratory and web applications. He also has experience as a Technical Support Engineer at Ai-Logix, Inc... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 10:00 - 11:00 CEST
#3 Java Cloud Native

10:00 CEST

Sustainability in software engineering - how to fight climate change as a software engineer
Climate change is one of the most dramatic and urgent challenges we face globally. To fight climate change, every step counts and every single step is important - and necessary. In this talk, we will give an overview about all the different aspects that affect climate change from the software engineering perspective and discuss a number of concrete actions that every software engineer can take (and should keep in mind day-in day-out) to help fight climate change. During the talk, we will not only provide an overview of the landscape, but also cover topics in more depth, like the role of data centers in energy consumption, how to reduce energy consumption of your apps, what zombies do in this space, what renewable energy production can do and what not, how to choose a data centers wisely, what a smart kubernetes scheduler can do for you, why and how using GraalVM and Spring Native can help as well to save the climate, how carbon offsetting works and why it is only a last resort, and more.

avatar for Martin Lippert

Martin Lippert

Spring Tools Lead, VMware by Broadcom
Martin works at VMware on developer tooling for the Spring and Spring Boot. He co-leads the team that ships all the Spring Tools for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, Theia, and more.

Tuesday October 5, 2021 10:00 - 11:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only
  Conference Session EN

11:00 CEST

Catch me if you can - Best Practices mit Java Exceptions
Wenn in einer Java-Anwendung ein Fehler auftritt, sollte eine Exception, eine Ausnahme, geworfen werden. Der Name sagt schon, dass dadurch ein Ausnahmefall markiert werden soll - in der Theorie. In der Praxis werden Exceptions immer wieder missbraucht und falsch eingesetzt. Außerdem gibt es da checked und unchecked Exceptions und der Unterschied zwischen den beiden ist auch vielen Programmierern nicht klar. Der Vortrag geht kurz auf die Funktionsweise von Exceptions ein, um sich dann mit dem Unterschied zwischen checked und unchecked Exceptions zu beschäftigen. Anschließend werden einige wichtige Best Practices und Architekturvorschläge für die Arbeit mit Ausnahmen vorgestellt.

avatar for Christopher Olbertz

Christopher Olbertz

Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben im Bereich Informatik, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes
Nach meiner Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung studierte ich Praktische Informatik an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes (HTW) mit Abschluss Diplom. Anschließend arbeitete ich zwei Jahre als selbstständiger Softwareentwickler und Trainer... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 11:00 - 12:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

11:00 CEST

Schätzungen – das Enfant terrible der Software-Entwicklung
Obwohl die wenigsten Software-Entwicklungen ohne Schätzungen auskommen, haben sie unter Entwicklern einen extrem schlechten Ruf. Aber woran liegt das? Ein Grund ist, dass eine einzige Zahl ohne Kontext zum Commitment bzw. zum Plan erklärt wird. Ich zeige euch in diesem Vortrag, dass wie wir zu besseren Schätzungen kommen und dass diese immer abhängig von der Fragestellung sind. Außerdem löse ich das Rätsel auf, warum Schätzungen immer höher werden, je genauer man schätzt.

avatar for Konstantin Diener

Konstantin Diener

CTO, cosee GmbH
Konstantin Diener ist CTO bei cosee. Er hat lange leidenschaftlich Software entwickelt – vornehmlich in Java ab Version 1.1.2. Dabei war ihm immer wichtig, ingenieurmäßig Software zu bauen. So hat er früh mit Agilität und Techniken wie TDD oder Continuous Integration angefangen... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 11:00 - 12:00 CEST
#4 Agile & Culture

11:00 CEST

Web-Component Oberflächen erstellen ganz ohne JavaScript-Kenntnisse
Vaadin ist ein UI-Framework, mit dem sich HTML5 Oberflächen vollständig in Java schreiben lassen. Sehr viel schneller und einfacher geht es jedoch mit dem komfortablen GUI-Builder, den die freie Eclipse Distribution RapidClipse zur Verfügung stellt. Der GUI-Builder ist ein echtes Designer-Tool. Jedes Layout lässt sich schnell und komfortabel mit Drag- and-Drop umsetzen, ohne dass man dafür Code schreiben muss. Der gesamte GUI-Code wird automatisch von der IDE generiert. Der Funktionsumfang an Controls ist enorm. Neben den gängigen Formular-Controls stehen eine Table-Komponente, Datepicker, Accordeon sowie Container für das Einbinden von Audio, Video und anderer Web-Inhalte zur Verfügung. Auch Master-Detail Ansichten, komplexe Formulare, Such- und Filterfunktionen lassen sich blitzschnell umsetzen. Layout-Manager sorgen dafür, dass sich die Oberfläche automatisch der aktuellen Displaygröße anpasst. Die HTML5 Oberfläche wird bereits zur Entwicklungszeit im GUI-Builder angezeigt. In der beeindruckenden Live-Demo erleben Sie wie schnell und einfach man mit RapidClipse grafische Oberflächen auf Basis von Vaadin für Web-Anwendungen designen kann.

avatar for Sebastian Späth

Sebastian Späth

Software Developer, XDEV Software GmbH
Als Senior Java Developer habe ich bei MicroStream in verschiedenen Projekten gearbeitet. In knapp 10 Jahren habe ich fast alle Stationen durchlaufen und mir dabei jede Menge unterschiedliches Know-how aneignen können. Über das tagtägliche Lösen technischer Support-Fälle, unzähliger... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 11:00 - 12:00 CEST
#5 Low-Code

11:00 CEST

What’s new in Micronaut 3.0?
In this talk Micronaut creator, Graeme Rocher, will provide an introduction to Micronaut and cover all the new features in the latest 3.0 release of Micronaut include advancements in Dependency Injection, Aspect Oriented Programming and more.

avatar for Graeme Rocher

Graeme Rocher

Architect, Oracle
Graeme Rocher is the creator of several popular Open Source projects including Grails (https://grails.org) and Micronaut (https://Micronaut.io) and co-author of "The Definitive Guide to Grails" (Apress - http://apress.com/book/view/1590599950). Graeme currently works as an Architect... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 11:00 - 12:00 CEST
#3 Java Cloud Native

12:00 CEST

RapidClipse Oberflächen mit 3rd Party Komponenten erweitern
RapidClipse ist eine visuelle Java Entwicklungsumgebung für die schnelle und effiziente Entwicklung individueller Business-Applikationen für den professionellen Einsatz in Unternehmen. Die Standardpalette bietet bereits eine vollumfängliche Komponentenauswahl für einen einfachen Start in die Entwicklung. Für komplexere Komponenten stellt Vaadin sogenannte Addons zur Verfügung welche in jedes RapidClipse Projekt problemlos integriert werden können. In der beeindruckenden Live-Demo erleben Sie wie schnell und einfach man mit RapidClipse die folgenden 3rd Party Komponenten aus der Vaadin Bibliothek integrieren kann.
  1. LeafletMap for Vaadin (https://vaadin.com/directory/component/leafletmap-for-vaadin )
  2. Chip-ComboBox for Vaadin (https://vaadin.com/directory/component/chip-combobox-for-vaadin )
  3. DateRangePicker for Vaadin (https://vaadin.com/directory/component/daterangepicker-for-vaadin )

avatar for Sebastian Späth

Sebastian Späth

Software Developer, XDEV Software GmbH
Als Senior Java Developer habe ich bei MicroStream in verschiedenen Projekten gearbeitet. In knapp 10 Jahren habe ich fast alle Stationen durchlaufen und mir dabei jede Menge unterschiedliches Know-how aneignen können. Über das tagtägliche Lösen technischer Support-Fälle, unzähliger... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 12:00 - 13:00 CEST
#5 Low-Code

12:00 CEST

Software Architects and Autonomous Teams
The role of a software architect has a broad range of interpretations. Most likely an architect is seen as someone who makes decisions regarding the software architecture, is responsible for the quality of software or even enforces technical standards, tools and platforms. On the other side, to gain speed in development and releasing software, the movement from functional teams towards cross functional and autonomous teams blur the lines of responsibilities and the capabilities to make decisions. How can a software architect facilitate the idea of autonomous teams? This talk is an experience report elaborating on different ways how to integrate an architect into an organization with multiple development teams, what we learned and how we continuously improved to avoid friction in the process of developing software.

avatar for Pascal Euhus

Pascal Euhus

Reservix GmbH
Pascal Euhus is a passionated developer, architect and cloud enthusiast. He loves to tinker around with everything related to automation, CI/CD, software quality and agile organization structures. Pascal is currently an engineer at Reservix GmbH. Apart from IT related stuff he loves... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 12:00 - 13:00 CEST
#4 Agile & Culture

12:00 CEST

The art of clean code
Figuring out how to architect a new application is a big deal and a tremendous amount of time and significant resources are lost because of poorly written code. Developers very often rush because they feel pressure from their managers or from the client to get the job done quickly, sometimes even sacrificing quality. Doing it the wrong way can lead to a huge headache later so in this presentation, we're going to look at: • What is clean code? • Characteristics of clean code • How to start clean coding • Importance of clean code

--- Fill in from Richard Fichtnerwith Break free from maintenance hell with clean code

avatar for Richard Fichtner

Richard Fichtner

CEO, XDEV Software GmbH
Richard Fichtner is a passionate Java developer with more than 15 years of experience in the software industry. He is involved in the open-source community to spread knowledge about Java technologies. He speaks at conferences such as Oracle Code / JavaOne / JCON / Clean Code Days... Read More →
avatar for Chiamaka  Okenwa

Chiamaka Okenwa

Software Engineer, Renmoney
Chiamaka Okenwa is a software engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the fin-tech space with a focus on product design and development. She is passionate about Java, women in technology and developer communities, serving as an International speaker and community organizer... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 12:00 - 13:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

13:00 CEST

Persistenz in RapidClipse mit Hibernate

avatar for Christian Kuemmel

Christian Kuemmel

Project Manager, Senior Software Consultant, MicroStream Software GmbH
Projektleiter, Senior Software Consultant 12 Jahre im Java Umfeld tätig 8 Jahre Erfahrung im Umgang mit Hibernate Seit ca. 2 Jahren bei MicroStream

Tuesday October 5, 2021 13:00 - 14:00 CEST
#5 Low-Code

13:00 CEST

Effective Java SE 16 APIs/Lang features, makes your life easier
Starting from Java SE 9+, a significant release for the Java programming language and the Java virtual machine. And java works fast to cope with the new technology era, and we see this every six months; Java SE 16 and 17 includes many changes. The library additions and the new language features we’re going to look at here are all fairly significant. They’re beneficial in your day-to-day work. So, let’s take a tour of the new features in Java SE 16, powered by code, the platform designed to support faster learning and more productive Java development.

avatar for Mohamed Taman

Mohamed Taman

Solutions Architect, Rivian
Adopts Java SE.next(), JakartaEE.next(), a JCP member, was a JCP Executive Committee member, JSR 354, 363 & 377 Expert Group member, EGJUG leader, Oracle Egypt Architects Club board member, speaks Java, loves Mobile, Big Data, Cloud, Blockchain, and DevOps. An International speaker... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 13:00 - 14:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

13:00 CEST

[LIVE CODING] REST in peace, Apache Kafka is alive
Nowadays every Java Developer can write a REST microservice, but it's also possible to use messaging with Apache Kafka! Messaging is typically used for event streaming and can be compared by a pipeline of sending or receiving (big) data. It's quicker, can handle a lot of data and is easy to use. Let's create a Spring Boot application with a producer and consumer. Time to see it in action!

Have a look at the Session Teaser!​​​

avatar for Ko Turk

Ko Turk

Developer Ambassador, adesso Netherlands
Ko Turk is an experienced developer working for Blue4IT. He is focussing on Java, Kotlin and isn't afraid to code in Typescript. He likes to write articles for the Dutch NLJUG JavaMagazine. Also he is regularly speaking at international conferences about Apache Kafka Streams, Micrometer... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 13:00 - 14:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

14:00 CEST

RapidClipse meets MicroStream
Hibernate hat über die letzten Jahre hervorragende Dienste in vielen verschiedene großen Applikationen geleistet. Leider sind wahrscheinlich genauso viele Applikationen mangels tiefgreifendes Fachwissen an Hibernate im fortgeschrittenen Projektverlauf gescheitert. Was tun also also wenn Hibernate Kapazitäten nicht oder nur begrenz vorhanden sind oder Performace während der Entwicklung sowie zur Laufzeit einfach super wichtig sind. Dann wird es Zeit sich nach Alternativen umzuschauen und eine davon ist MicroStream. MicroStream sorgt endlich dafür, dass ein Objektmodell auch so designed werden kann wie es sich gehört und nicht wie es Hibernate vorschreibt. Lästiges langsames OR-Mapping gehört der Vergangenheit an. Hibernate Object Lifecycle, Caching und noch viele weitere komplizierte Architekturebenen gehören mit MicroStream der Vergangenheit an. Wer dann auch noch sein Daten lieber in Oracle Object Storage oder AWS S3 Bucket ablegen können möchte der ist in diesem Vortrag genau richtig.

avatar for Christian Kuemmel

Christian Kuemmel

Project Manager, Senior Software Consultant, MicroStream Software GmbH
Projektleiter, Senior Software Consultant 12 Jahre im Java Umfeld tätig 8 Jahre Erfahrung im Umgang mit Hibernate Seit ca. 2 Jahren bei MicroStream

Tuesday October 5, 2021 14:00 - 15:00 CEST
#5 Low-Code

14:00 CEST

Live coding: Configuring your cloud-native applications with MicroProfile Config
You might have heard of 12Factor about externalising your configuration for your Cloud Native Applications. How? Come to this session to find out. The live demo will showcase various ways to configure your microservices via the amazing features introduced in MicroProfile Config 2.0, including config profile, config properties, variable replacement and many more.

avatar for Emily Jiang

Emily Jiang

Cloud Native Architect and Advocate, IBM, IBM
Emily Jiang is a Java Champion. She is Liberty Cloud Native Architect and Chief Advocate, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) in IBM, based at Hursley Lab in the UK. Emily is a MicroProfile guru and has been working on MicroProfile since 2016 and leads a number of specifications... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 14:00 - 15:00 CEST
#3 Java Cloud Native

14:00 CEST

Why a Diverse Team is Crucial to Startup Success
Team diversity refers to differences between members of startup team. Those differences can include demographic differences (like age, race, sex, ethnicity), personality (extrovert, introvert, and differing Myers-Briggs types) and functional (as in skill sets, like engineering, design, copywriting, and marketing). How does team diversity impact your customers' experience from the moment they learn about you through their journey with you? You will attract and relate to customers how look like you. They will understand your messaging and you will understand their needs. If you don't represent the right dimensions of diversity, you are leaving an amazing experience behind.

avatar for Melissa Jurkoic

Melissa Jurkoic

CXO/Cofounder, addapptation/Diversify Thinking
Melissa has worked in the tech industry for over 20 years in roles ranging from Junior Software Engineer to her current role as the Chief Customer Experience Officer at addapptation. She holds a Bachelor’s in Computer Science from the University of New Hampshire and an executive... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 14:00 - 15:00 CEST
#4 Agile & Culture

15:00 CEST

Keynote | In-Memory Data Processing with Java
The 4th industrial revolution has begun. An incredible transformation has been running. Communicating edge devices, self-driving cars, drones, robots, combined with AI and ML algorithms, will change our lives more than anything else before in mankind. Data is the gold of this age. However, everything depends on the ability to process these data highly efficiently. High-performance systems will win. Legacy systems will lose. Java provides you incredible performance, just use it.

avatar for Simon Ritter

Simon Ritter

Deputy CTO, Azul
Simon Ritter is the Deputy CTO of Azul Systems. Simon has been in the IT business since 1984 and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Brunel University in the U.K. Simon joined Sun Microsystems in 1996 and started working with Java technology from JDK 1.0; he has spent... Read More →
avatar for Markus Kett

Markus Kett

CEO, MicroStream
Markus has been working with Java since 20 years. Markus is co-founder and CEO at MicroStream, editor in chief for the free JAVAPRO magazine in Germany, co-organizer of the Java conference JCON in Duesseldorf, and well known as editor and speaker at many developer conferences and... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 15:00 - 16:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

16:00 CEST

Trennung von Storage und Frontend – MicroStream und RapidClipse das Beste aus beiden Welten!!
Kombiniert man RapidClipse mit einer MicroStream Datenbank ist man sehr schnell dabei die Storage innerhalb der Applikation zu implementieren. Die Praxis zeigt, dass dies in vielen Fällen tatsächlich völlig ausreichend ist. Aber was, wenn die App mal wachsen soll? Wie skalierbar ist so eine App in einem modernen Kubernetes Cluster? Da ist man schnell dabei zu sagen „Dann nehmen wir einen REST Dataprovider mit MicroStream“. Genau das wollen wir in diesem Vortrag einmal zeigen. Wie einfach es sein kann, einen MicroStream Dataprovider mit Micronaut zu erstellen, dessen Services mit RapidClipse zu konsumieren und beeindruckende Oberflächen dazu zu erstellen. 

avatar for Christian Kuemmel

Christian Kuemmel

Project Manager, Senior Software Consultant, MicroStream Software GmbH
Projektleiter, Senior Software Consultant 12 Jahre im Java Umfeld tätig 8 Jahre Erfahrung im Umgang mit Hibernate Seit ca. 2 Jahren bei MicroStream

Tuesday October 5, 2021 16:00 - 17:00 CEST
#5 Low-Code

16:00 CEST

Howto: Options Galore to Get from Source Code to Container
A typical workflow in a modern software dev project can look like: Build code, put built artifact into container image, put container image into registry, deploy to Kubernetes. Each step has it’s own requirements and pitfalls alike. The overall goal is most often to bake those steps into easily repeatable pipelines and enable a high degree of automation and standardisation. Dockerfiles seems to be the choice with the highest adoption when it comes to containerizing code artifacts. However there are options, which might remove some of the pitfalls and standardize the entire process even more. The talk will give deeper insights by comparing (multi-stage) Dockerfiles to Cloud-Native Buildpacks (buildpacks.io/paketo.io) and Google’s JIB under the evaluation criteria of build time, build size, standardisation, robustness and security. The examples and live demo will have certain focus on Java-based frameworks (Spring Boot, Quarkus, Java EE), but coverage of other languages will also be included and highlighted. The intended take-away of the session is a better overview of container building and deployment options along with understanding of requirements, advantages and drawbacks.

avatar for Matthias Haeussler

Matthias Haeussler

Chief Technologist, Novatec Consulting GmbH
Matthias Haeussler is Chief Technologist at Novatec Consulting, university lecturer for distributed systems, awarded ambassador of Cloud Foundry and the organizer of the Stuttgart Cloud Foundry Meetup. Prior to that he was employed at IBM R&D. He has teaching experience from lectures... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 16:00 - 17:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

16:00 CEST

Programming for Accessibility
My life is a hilarious roller coaster of miss-intended programming bugs because at 120 cm tall and 50 kilograms I completely fall off your radar. Why did my scale call me! Why does facial recognition see me as a child? These are all valid questions I often ask myself as I navigate my weird and different world. Have you heard the phrase “You have to be this tall for Micro-services”? well what about: “You have to be this tall to operate a mobile phone?”. I am finding it harder and harder to reach any button except for “#” and “9”. Building accessibility into the planning stages of programming can eliminate barriers for participation and create an inclusive environment for people with disabilities. Programming for diversity serves as an unquestionable indicator that your software embraces the diversity of your users and cares about their safety and comfort. Join me on a fascinating and thought-provoking look at how you can program for accessibility.

avatar for Rory Preddy

Rory Preddy

Principal Cloud Advocate, Microsoft
Rory works in the Developer Relations team at Microsoft as a Principal Cloud Advocate. Cloud Advocates use their deep research skills to help professional cloud developers discover and successfully use Microsoft’s platforms. A seasoned speaker whose talks are both meaningful and... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 16:00 - 17:00 CEST
#4 Agile & Culture

16:00 CEST

Ultra-fast Java In-Memory Database Apps & Microservices with MicroStream
MicroStream is a fundamentally new persistence framework for storing complex Java object graphs natively, which means the object graph is stored on disk as it is in RAM. Vice versa it allows you to load any single subgraph on-demand that is then merged with your object graph in ram automatically. This leads to fantastic benefits: You can use object graphs as an in-memory database. An object graph is a powerful multi-model data structure. You can use any Java type, collections, and formats like JSON. Matching this, Java provides the perfect query language. With Java Streams, searching even huge object graphs will take only microseconds - up to 1000x faster than comparable SQL queries and even much faster than reading data directly from a local cache. DB-specific data structures or formats become meaningless for Java. No more expensive mappings. No more data-type conversion. No more DB-specific query language. Only one data model: Java classes (POJOs). No additional caching framework required. No more inconvenient object copies. Simple architecture and type-safe query code. Core-Java only instead of DB-specific concepts. As an end result, you will get out an ultra-fast Java in-memory database app or microservice. MicroStream is in productive use for more than 5 years and becomes now open source and part of the popular microservice frameworks Helidon and Open Liberty.

avatar for Markus Kett

Markus Kett

CEO, MicroStream
Markus has been working with Java since 20 years. Markus is co-founder and CEO at MicroStream, editor in chief for the free JAVAPRO magazine in Germany, co-organizer of the Java conference JCON in Duesseldorf, and well known as editor and speaker at many developer conferences and... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 16:00 - 17:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

17:00 CEST

XDEV Swing Builder Community Session
XDEV Swing Builder ist eine Rapid-Application-Development / Low-Code IDE für Java Swing. Diese Session richtet sich an alle Anwender der XDEV IDE und alle die Java Swing Anwendungen betreiben.

Mit Java Swing wurden seit 1998 unzählige Anwendungen entwickelt. Viele davon sind heute noch in Betrieb. Die Veränderungen im Java Ökosystem in den letzten Monaten haben es erstmalig in 20 Jahren notwendig gemacht Swing Anwendungen anzupassen. Mit minimalen Änderungen laufen Swing Anwendungen auch unter Java 17 und Windows 11. Wir zeigen euch was wir getan haben, damit eure Anwendungen weiterlaufen.

Wir bringen euch auf den aktuellen Stand und geben einen Ausblick wie die Roadmap aussehen könnte. Dazu wollen wir eure Meinung hören. Was würde euch am meisten helfen? Welche Dinge sollten wir auf die Roadmap packen?

Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch mit euch!

avatar for Richard Fichtner

Richard Fichtner

CEO, XDEV Software GmbH
Richard Fichtner is a passionate Java developer with more than 15 years of experience in the software industry. He is involved in the open-source community to spread knowledge about Java technologies. He speaks at conferences such as Oracle Code / JavaOne / JCON / Clean Code Days... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 17:00 - 18:00 CEST
#5 Low-Code

17:00 CEST

10 Design Tips for Java MicroServices Developers
At the intersection of science, art, patterns, and methods, Design 4 Developers (Design4Developers.io) gives you practices and patterns for creating better microservices that are simpler to test, write, and deploy. Developers spend a great deal of time writing software for consumption by humans, but don’t necessarily consider humans in the process. In this session, we'll use specific Java Examples and overlay them with a focus on human-centered technology needs. These needs are universal to all of us as humans and transcend any technical choice. Being aware of these needs will ultimately make you a better developer no matter what kind of development you do. We'll discuss: - How to compliment your development and deployment efforts with human considerations using the 5Es (Entice, Enter, Engage, Exit, and Extend) to design compelling MicroServices experiences - How to overlay them with the 9 principles of “The SaaS-Ment” to identify typical friction with MicroServices creation.

avatar for Jim Tyrrell

Jim Tyrrell

Senior Principal Solutions Architect, Red Hat
Jim Tyrrell founded Design 4 Developers an Open Community targeting the intersection of Design and Software Development. Jim is a 25 year Java veteran, who has spent more than a decade thinking about how Design intersects with Software Development. To further his skills in Design... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 17:00 - 18:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

18:00 CEST

Keynote | What Would a Startup Do?
Imagine we quit our jobs and create a startup to create the next killer app. What would we do? Would we start on bare metal, use VMs or containers, stay on-premise, or go to the clouds, or even rent servers on colocation? Would we implement microservices, monoliths, event processors, functions, and should we still use Java?
In this freestyle keynote conversation, I would like to highlight different options and their impact on productivity, maintainability, and event costs.
Your questions are highly welcome!

avatar for Adam Bien

Adam Bien

Chief Enthusiast, adambien.blog
Developer (Architect), Consultant, Trainer (https://airhacks.io), Podcaster (https://airhacks.fm) and Java enthusiast Adam Bien (https://adambien.blog) uses Java since JDK 1.0 and JavaScript since LiveScript and still enjoys writing code. Adam regularly organizes Java / Web / Architectures... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 18:00 - 19:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

19:00 CEST

Moderne Softwarearchitekturen dokumentieren und kommunizieren
Unsere Software-Projekte werden immer größer und komplexer. Technologisch hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren eine Menge getan, um diese Komplexität in den Griff zu bekommen. Aber noch viel wichtiger ist die Kommunikation zwischen allen Projektbeteiligten geworden. Als Voraussetzung braucht es dafür eine möglichst aktuelle, pragmatische und zielführende Dokumentation der Softwarearchitektur. Aber leider hat das Dokumentieren häufig einen niedrigen Stellenwert in unseren Projekten. Zum Teil fehlt die Motivation bei den Verantwortlichen. Oder suboptimale Werkzeuge wie Textverarbeitung, schwergewichtige UML-Tools bzw. Wikis ersticken alle Bemühungen im Keim. Wir wollen den Bann brechen und an konkreten Beispielen zeigen, wie Dokumentieren nicht nur Spaß machen, sondern auch leicht von der Hand gehen kann. Dazu berichten wir aus unseren Erfahrungen und rücken leichtgewichtige Tools und schlanke Text- bzw. Grafikformate in den Fokus. Sie erleichtern die automatisierte Erstellung einer effektiven, allumfänglichen und vor allem redundanzfreien Dokumentation, die sich mit wenig Aufwand für die unterschiedlichen Zielgruppen optimiert in verschiedenen Formaten ausliefern lässt. Das Einbetten dieser Documentation as Code in die Entwicklungs- und Reviewprozesse ermöglicht zudem eine gute Nachvollziehbarkeit und die kontinuierliche Verbesserung und Weiterentwicklung.

avatar for Ralf D. Mueller

Ralf D. Mueller

Problem Solver
Nothing here yet
avatar for Falk Sippach

Falk Sippach

Software architect, embarc Software Consulting GmbH
As a software architect, consultant and trainer at embarc Software Consulting GmbH, Falk Sippach is always on the lookout for that spark of passion that he can ignite in his participants, customers and colleagues. He has been supporting mostly agile software development projects in... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 19:00 - 20:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

19:00 CEST

A Freakonomic Take on Open Standards and Jakarta EE
Words like standard, de-facto, de-jure and open are frequently used and abused in our industry. The reality is that few people really understand what these words actually mean or how these ideas effect their own professional lives in the long and short term. This session aims to clear the air on some of these terms and outline why open standards like Jakarta EE are critically important to you today and in the future. We will explore these concepts in the context of well-established economic theories on competition, monopoly power, the network effect, innovation, open source and open standards - in true Freakonomist style!

Have a look at the Session Teaser! ​​​

avatar for Reza Rahman

Reza Rahman

Principal Program Manager, Microsoft
Reza Rahman is Principal Program Manager for Java on Azure at Microsoft. He works to make sure Java developers are first class citizens at Microsoft and Microsoft is a first class citizen of the Java ecosystem.Reza has been an official Java technologist at Oracle. He is the author... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 19:00 - 20:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

19:00 CEST

Bridging the Gap Between Ops and Developers with CI/CD
Software development has changed dramatically in recent years; no longer can you afford to say, “That’s how we’ve always done it.” Applications are evolving rapidly, which requires you to move fast and fix things. And don’t neglect the cultural shift inherent in any technical change. (Some developers, for instance, reject build-break notifications, going so far as removing themselves from the email list.) If you’re just starting your CI/CD journey, you must ensure everyone understands the benefits, including increased speed-to-market, stable builds, and reduced drama around releases. That way, CI/CD won’t just help you deliver for your customers—it will help you sleep better at night.

avatar for Nathaniel Schutta

Nathaniel Schutta

Software Architect, Pivotal
Nathaniel T. Schutta is a software architect focused on cloud computing and building usable applications. A proponent of polyglot programming, Nate has written multiple books and appeared in various videos. Nate is a seasoned speaker regularly presenting at conferences worldwide... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 19:00 - 20:00 CEST
#5 Low-Code

19:00 CEST

Building Futureproof APIs with Spring HATEOAS
We've all built APIs. But how many times have we had to make changes? Add new features. Learn how to build APIs that don't end up costing a fortune in time and effort.

avatar for Greg Turnquist

Greg Turnquist

Principal Developer, VMware
Greg L. Turnquist works on the Spring team as a principal developer at VMware. He is a committer to Spring HATEOAS, Spring Data, Spring Boot, R2DBC, and Spring Session for MongoDB. He hosts "Spring Boot Learning", the YouTube channel where you learn about Spring Boot and have doing... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 19:00 - 20:00 CEST
#3 Java Cloud Native

19:00 CEST

Limited work-in-progress for developers
The idea of limited work-in-progress (WIP) is coming from Lean methodologies. At its core it means that new tasks should only be started when the current piece of work is done and delivered. Finding the right work-in-progress limit can increase overall system (organisation) throughput. This idea can be applied on many levels including writing code. In this live coding session I will write FizzBuzzWoof code kata in Kotlin showcasing software development workflows which can be used for limiting work-in-progress. In particular: change size notifications, auto-revert, TDD, TCR (test && commit || revert).

avatar for Dmitry Kandalov

Dmitry Kandalov

Software Developer, Code Mine
Dmitry has been programming since DOS times. He spent last 15 years or so in Java lands most recently working with server-side Kotlin.

Tuesday October 5, 2021 19:00 - 20:00 CEST
#4 Agile & Culture

20:00 CEST

Micro-services for a Billion people
The food wastage in India is 70 tonnes per year, and there is mismanagement at several layers. Approximately 20-30% of the wastage happens in the last mile, between wholesale traders, and retail mom-and-pop stores. Is there something we can do about it? This was the problem statement I attempted to solve as a first engineering hire at a startup. Our customers were 12.8 million retail owners that deal in FMCG (Fast-moving consumer goods, such as food grains, tooth paste, etc). The goal was to develop a platform for retail traders (mom and pop shop owners / SMBs) to buy FMCG products from wholesale traders using an Android app. For a section of the population which is not very well versed with smartphones and technology, the user experience had to be designed from the ground up to be multi-lingual, fungible, unstructured, and relevant. In this talk, I cover how we went about iterating the solution from a simple SMS based system to a full fledged app backed by micro-services written in Java. Having a micro-service architecture provided us the agility to experiment and iterate quickly, and we were able to push out changes much faster, and help solve wastage problems even sooner. I will discuss the several problems we faced in this segment with regards to unstructured data, and how our data models had to adapt. We used cloud services extensively, so I will also cover how different pieces came together in a cogent form to build better experience for our customers.

avatar for Tejas Chopra

Tejas Chopra

Technical Leader, Netflix, Inc.
Tejas Chopra is a Senior Software Engineer, working in the Data Storage Platform team at Netflix, where he is responsible for architecting storage solutions to support Netflix Studios and Netflix Streaming Platform. Prior to Netflix, Tejas was working on designing and implementing... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 20:00 - 21:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

20:00 CEST

Which JVM Version are you using and why is it still Java 8?
These simple questions can reveal a lot about your software development process. So, this talk is not about the features of an specific Java Version nor a comparison among different Java releases but rather about the path to the holy grail of software: feedback based development. What is that exactly? How can you reach such a high stage of software development? What are the common pitfalls? How can you tackle them? Do you really need to do feedback based development? All of these topics and more will be discussed in this talk.

avatar for Carlos Barragan

Carlos Barragan

Chief Technologist, Novatec GmbH
Carlos Barragan is Chief Technologist at Novatec Consulting. He is a pragmatic developer by heart and has gained a lot of experience as architect as well. For more over 15 years, Carlos has helped many customers in several industries like automotive, insurance and logistics. Carlos... Read More →

Tuesday October 5, 2021 20:00 - 21:00 CEST
#3 Java Cloud Native
Wednesday, October 6

09:00 CEST

Building GraphQL APIs with Java
Efficient data exchange and easy development at the same time – all this is promised by the GraphQL query language! A core idea of GraphQL is that clients can select themselves, depending on the use case, which data they request from a server and thus hopefully never read too little or too much data in a request. After a short introduction to the basics of GraphQL, I will show you how to implement a GraphQL API for your own application. We will look at the basic problems that need to be solved, which GraphQL frameworks exist for Java, how they work and what their particularities are.

avatar for Nils Hartmann

Nils Hartmann

Software Developer and Trainer (Freelancer), Freelancer
Nils Hartmann is a freelance software developer, architect, trainer and coach from Hamburg.He programs in Java and JavaScript/TypeScript and supports teams with training and consulting when starting and moving into web development and working with React, TypeScript and GraphQL. Nils... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 09:00 - 10:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

09:00 CEST

Loosely or lousily coupled? Understanding communication patterns in microservices architectures
In a microservices architecture, services shall be as loosely coupled as possible. Still, they need to communicate with each other in order to fulfill business requirements. Now there are so many questions around this communication: - What are the general possibilities to communicate? For example synchronous, asynchronous, or event-driven communication. What are the tradeoffs and which communication style should you prefer? - What is the influence on the coupling of your services? For example, asynchronous communication reduces temporal coupling between services. - What do I have to consider when selecting a certain communication style? For example, you need to apply certain resilience patterns if you want to use synchronous communication. This talk will help you answer these questions for your project. You will better understand not only the architectural implications but also the effect on the productivity of your teams.

avatar for Bernd Ruecker

Bernd Ruecker

Co-founder and chief technologist, Camunda
Throughout my 15+ years in software development, I have helped automating highly scalable core workflows at global companies including T-Mobile, Lufthansa and Zalando. I have contributed to various open source workflow engines. I am co-founder and developer advocate of Camunda, an... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 09:00 - 10:00 CEST
#5 Architecture

09:00 CEST

The emergence of APM in cloud application development
As the clouds turn more practical in the current times, cloud providers are exploring many possible solutions to bring the workloads onto their cloud. One of the key concerns for every customer is their application monitoring after they move to the cloud. This is where the concept of "Application, Performance & Monitoring" (APM) turns out to be very important however challenging for any cloud solutions. This session will take you through the deep dive of APM/observability, and how it can be deployed in a cloud environment with the same ease as on-prem using Instana.

avatar for Vipin Menon

Vipin Menon

software developer, IBM
I have 10 years of experience in software industry with multitude of technologies. My expertise lies in debugging Java problems under various domains like security, webservices, XML, JAXB/JAXWS and ORB. I have experience in working with various web technologies like react, nodejs... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 09:00 - 10:00 CEST
#4 Cloud Platforms

10:00 CEST

Web-Anwendungen mit RapidClipse in Rekordzeit entwickeln
RapidClipse X ist eine visuelle Java Entwicklungsumgebung für die schnelle und effiziente Entwicklung individueller Business-Applikationen für den professionellen Einsatz in Unternehmen. Mit RapidClipse X lassen sich moderne Web-Oberflächen auf Basis des neuen Web-Components-Standards bequem mit der Maus designen. UI-Designer brauchen dafür keinerlei Programmierkenntnisse und spätere Änderungen sind unkompiziert. Vor allem bei Projekten mit hohem UI-Anteil, lassen sich Entwicklungszeit und kosten um bis zu 90% einsparen. Der generierte Code besitzt eine hohe Qualität und ist vor allem immer gleich. UI-Code selber zu schreiben ist daher nicht mehr wirtschaftlich. RapidClipse ist seit 2014 auf dem Markt und wird von vielen Unternehmen wie der Allianz SE für die Entwicklung datengetriebener Geschäftsanwendungen eingesetzt. Nachdem im vergangenem Jahr mit RapidClipse X ein vollständig neuer UI-Builder auf Basis von Web-Components dazu kam, lag der Fokus in den letzten 12 Monaten auf der Datenbankprogrammierung und Performance. Mit MicroStream bietet RapidClipse jetzt eine neues Persistenz-Framework und Alternative zur komplizierten Hibernate-Programmierung, mit der sich hochperformante In-Memory-Datenbankanwendungen entwickeln lassen. Datenbankankzugriffe werden mit MicroStream bis zu ungaubliche 1000 Mal schneller ausgeführt, Anwendungen benötigen 90% weniger Rechenleistung, was die Server- und Cloud-Betriebskosten senkt und last but not least wird die Datenbankentwicklung damit stark vereinfacht, was die Produktivität steigert. Dieser Vortrag bietet einen vollständigen Überblick über die Arbeitsweise und Möglichkeiten mit RapidClipse.

avatar for Markus Kett

Markus Kett

CEO, MicroStream
Markus has been working with Java since 20 years. Markus is co-founder and CEO at MicroStream, editor in chief for the free JAVAPRO magazine in Germany, co-organizer of the Java conference JCON in Duesseldorf, and well known as editor and speaker at many developer conferences and... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 10:00 - 11:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

10:00 CEST

Do You Need Kubernetes or a PAAS?
Kubernetes can manage the containers that run your application more easily than if you need to handle them individually. A Platform As A Service (PAAS) solution takes away the burden to deep dive into a framework and can handle many tasks for you. Since Kubernetes has its own challenges, is a PAAS solution preferred? The answer to this question depends on your situation, of course. In this session we go a bit deeper in comparing the process of setting up a Kubernetes Cluster yourself with using a PAAS that manages it for you. We will also demonstrate the simple steps to bring your Jakarta EE application to the cloud with Payara Cloud, with no Kubernetes knowledge needed.

avatar for Rudy De Busscher

Rudy De Busscher

Developer Advocate, MicroStream
Developer Advocate for MicroStream, crafting Enterprise backend applications with passion. Working on open source projects, helping customers and spreading the knowledge about coding.

Wednesday October 6, 2021 10:00 - 11:00 CEST
#4 Cloud Platforms

10:00 CEST

Understanding Raft Consensus
In this session, I will talk about how Raft Consensus works in theory by supporting live diagrams. During talk, I will also provide real life use cases about Raft Consensus.

avatar for Huseyin Babal

Huseyin Babal

Principal Cloud Engineer, Kubeahop
Building Hazelcast Cloud to provide Hazelcast Cluster as a service with extensive features. AWS Certified DevOps Professional. Building highly scalable, real-time systems with Spring Boot, Kubernetes, Docker, Prometheus, Event-Based Systems, and Hybrid Cloud. Ex. Sony and eBay en... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 10:00 - 11:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

11:00 CEST

Cloud Security in Action ! - ein Finanzdienstleister geht in die Cloud
Die Digitalisierung traditioneller Unternehmen und damit meist zwingend verbundene Modernisierung der IT macht auch vor dem Sektor der Finanzdienstleister nicht Halt. In diesem Vortrag berichtet die SüdLeasing - eine 100% Tochter einer Landesbank - von ihrem Weg von der “legacy IT” zur modernen cloud-basierten Umgebung. Aufgrund der Sensitivität der Daten lag von der ersten Sekunde ein besonderer Fokus auf dem Thema Cloud Security. Hier berichten Tamira Horn und Thorsten Jakoby von der Reise eines BaFin regulierten Finanzdienstleisters in die Cloud. Statt "das sichern wir durch eine Firewall und Netzwerke", wurden Multi-Tenant-Zero-Trust-Architekturen aufgebaut. Business Continuity und Disaster Recovery wurden voll automatisiert mit Hilfe von Terraform, Access Control Lists und Microsoft Azure aufgebaut. Wir zeigen mit Beispielen und Demo's wie wir es technisch umgesetzt haben, nicht das Rechenzentrum in die Cloud zu migrieren, sondern eine sichere und flexible Plattform zu designen, um uns auf den Weg in die Cloud vorzubereiten.

avatar for Tamira Horn

Tamira Horn

IT Security Administrator, SüdLeasing GmbH
Tamira Horn works as an IT security administrator at SüdLeasing. Securing the company's IT infrastructure is one of her daily tasks. As an administrator for complex firewall systems, endpoint security, SIEM, as well as network segregation, she knows the infrastructure down to the... Read More →
avatar for Thorsten Jakoby

Thorsten Jakoby

Managing Consultant, Novatec Consulting GmbH
Thorsten Jakoby is a consultant for IT-Architectures and Cloud Migrations at Novatec in Germany. He is currently technical lead for an enterprise-scale cloud migration at a global client. With a background of 10 years in distributed applications Thorsten enables both customers building... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 11:00 - 12:00 CEST
#4 Cloud Platforms

11:00 CEST

Die Corona-Warn-App unter der Lupe
Leuchtturmprojekt, Kostengrab, Hoffnungsträger und wichtiger Baustein in der Pandemiebekämpfung — das deutsche Corona-Warn-App-System (kurz CWA), besteht nicht nur aus den recht prominenten nativen iOS- und Android-Apps, die Ihr vielleicht auch auf Eurem Smartphone installiert habt. Zur Umsetzung wichtiger Use Cases wie der persönlichen Risikoermitttlung, dem Melden bzw. der Benachrichtigung von (positiven) Testergebnissen oder dem Austausch mit Warn-Systemen anderer Länder, gehört auch eine vielteilige Server-Lösung. Sie basiert auf einem zeitgemäßen Architekturstil und einem aktuellen Technologie-Stack. Und wurde unter hohem Zeitdruck federführend von SAP und Deutscher Telekom realisiert. Das öffentliche Interesse an diesem Projekt ist hoch, die Transparenz bei der Entwicklung erfreulicherweise ebenfalls. Der Quellcode ist Open Source und auch die Dokumentation ist offen zugänglich. In diesem Vortrag lernt Ihr die Gesamtlösung, vor allem den serverseitigen Teil der Corona-Warn-App und seine Implementierung, kennen. Wir diskutieren die prägenden architekturrelevanten Anforderungen und die getroffenen Entscheidungen. Zum Abschluss bewerten wir die gewählten Lösungsansätze und arbeiten Stärken, Hindernisse und Kompromisse heraus.

avatar for Falk Sippach

Falk Sippach

Software architect, embarc Software Consulting GmbH
As a software architect, consultant and trainer at embarc Software Consulting GmbH, Falk Sippach is always on the lookout for that spark of passion that he can ignite in his participants, customers and colleagues. He has been supporting mostly agile software development projects in... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 11:00 - 12:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

12:00 CEST

Java 17 - Was erwartet uns in der neuesten LTS-Version?
Seit einigen Jahren kommen nun schon halbjährlich neue Java Major-Releases heraus. Dieses Vorgehen hat sich etabliert und funktioniert erstaunlich gut. Natürlich dürft Ihr nicht den Funktionsumfang von den früheren Versionen (9 und älter) erwarten. Dafür bekommt Ihr als Entwickler aber viel regelmäßiger die aktuellen Änderungen mit. In den Preview-Phasen kann sogar Feedback gegeben und somit die aktive Weiterentwicklung von Java mit gestaltet werden. Alle drei Jahre erscheinen zudem Long-Term-Support-Versionen, die länger mit Updates und Patches versorgt werden. Im September 2021 ist mit der Version 17 wieder ein solches LTS-Release herausgekommen, für welches in den letzten 3 Jahren jede Menge interessante neue Funktionen entwickelt wurden: * Switch Expressions * Text Blocks * Pattern Matching für instanceof * Helpful NullPointerExceptions * Records * Sealed Classes * und noch einiges mehr In diesem Vortrag betrachten wir außerdem hilfreiche API-Verbesserungen und Änderungen an der JVM, z. B. bei den Garbage Collectoren. Falls Ihr selbst noch nicht bei Java 11 oder höher angekommen seid, bekommt Ihr damit auch einen kompakten Überblick, wie sich Java aktuell anfühlt.

avatar for Falk Sippach

Falk Sippach

Software architect, embarc Software Consulting GmbH
As a software architect, consultant and trainer at embarc Software Consulting GmbH, Falk Sippach is always on the lookout for that spark of passion that he can ignite in his participants, customers and colleagues. He has been supporting mostly agile software development projects in... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 12:00 - 13:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

12:00 CEST

Demystifying the Java Flight Recorder API
This session primarily aims at providing details about how to go about using the Java Flight Recorder API. It also explains the reasons to use the JFR API over the conventional Java Logging API by highlighting the key differences between them.

Have a look at the Session Teaser!​​​

avatar for Karan Balkar

Karan Balkar

Team Lead, LTI
Karan Balkar is a mobile application developer primarily working on Android since the past 5 years. He has also worked on Augmented reality / Virtual reality based mobile applications and is passionate about exploring new innovative technologies.

Wednesday October 6, 2021 12:00 - 13:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

12:00 CEST

Microservices? Monoliths? An Annoying Discussion!
Microservices set out to solve the problem of monoliths. Or do they? After all, it is now fashionable to condemn microservices - then monoliths must have been the right solution! The discussion is quite annoying and the fact that it exists at all already shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what architecture is actually about and that our industry unfortunately has significant weaknesses when it comes to making serious progress.

Have a look at the Session Teaser!​​​

avatar for Eberhard Wolff

Eberhard Wolff

Head of Architecture, SWAGLab
Eberhard Wolff has 20+ years of experience as an architect and consultant - often on the intersection of business and technology. He is Head of Architecture at SWAGLab. As a speaker, he has given talks at international conferences and as an author, he has written more than 100 articles... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 12:00 - 13:00 CEST
#5 Architecture

13:00 CEST

(An introduction to) Domain Storytelling
Domain Storytelling is a collaborative modeling method. It brings together domain experts and development teams and helps them to understand the domain of a software system, find microservices boundaries, and to talk about requirements. Domain Storytelling means that we let domain experts tell us stories about their tasks. While listening, we record the stories using a pictographic language. The domain experts can see immediately whether we understand their story correctly. After very few stories, we are able to talk about the people, tasks, tools, work items, and events in that domain.

avatar for Henning Schwentner

Henning Schwentner

Coder, Coach, Consultant, WPS – Workplace Solutions
Henning loves programming in high quality. He lives this passion as coder, coach, and consultant at WPS – Workplace Solutions. There he helps teams to structure their monoliths or to build new systems from the beginning with a sustainable architecture. Microservices or self-contained... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 13:00 - 14:00 CEST
#5 Architecture

13:00 CEST

APIOps - Automatisierte Prozesse für bessere APIs
Die Entwicklung von APIs beginnt immer mit der alten und mittlerweile langweiligen Schlacht von API oder Code first. Aber die Arbeit mit APIs bezieht sich auf einen Prozess, der Design, Entwicklung und Betrieb umfasst. Mit diesen Gedanken im Hinterkopf und den Möglichkeiten von API-Gateways und -Plattformen, diese Prozesse zu unterstützen, stellt sich sehr schnell die Frage, wie diese Prozesse automatisiert werden können. Daniel Kocot zeigt in seiner Session auf, wie API-Gateways oder -Plattformen den Entwicklungsprozess von APIs nach der DevOps-Idee und dem CALMS-Modell positiv beeinflussen können, um den Konsumenten bessere APIs zu liefern.

avatar for Daniel Kocot

Daniel Kocot

Head of API Experience & Operations, codecentric
Daniel has been part of the codecentric team since October 2016. Since the beginning of 2022 as Senior Solution Architect at the Dortmund location. Starting as a consultant with a focus on application lifecycle management, his focus shifted more and more towards APIs. In addition... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 13:00 - 14:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

13:00 CEST

Building Microservices with Helidon and Kotlin
Helidon is a great choice for building microservices. It is a collection of libraries that run on a fast web core powered by Netty. There is full support for CDI, a reactive DB client, and full GraalVM native image support. In addition, Helidon provides an implementation of MicroProfile specification that makes it a good choice for enterprise developers. In this session we will use a huge repository of Helidon in Kotlin examples. You will learn about the language features that make developing Helidon applications a breeze. Along the way, we will take a closer look at the Reactive API to boost performance of your apps.

avatar for Dmitry Aleksandrov

Dmitry Aleksandrov

Software Developer, Oracle
Dmitry is a Senior Principle Developer at Oracle, Java Champion, Oracle Dev Champion. He has more than a decade experience mainly in Java Enterprise in banking/telecom, but interested in dynamic languages on JVM and features like massive computations on GPUs. A true believer in open... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 13:00 - 14:00 CEST
#3 Java Cloud Native

13:00 CEST

Seriously gaming your cloud expertise: from cloud tourist to cloud native
No cloud skills, no career. As we accelerate towards the future of everything online, cloud skills will be ever more in demand. Not just for engineers, but for your whole DevOps team and the rest of the office, too. But where to start learning? AWS alone offers nearly 200 services, Azure lists nearly 275 of them. And then we stuff like containers, orchestration, serverless, databases, machine learning, IoT, cost optimization, networking, security. It‘s all quite overwhelming. Let me help by showing you the learning paths you can follow towards cloud competence, plus the serious game and social learning application we developed to become cloud natives.

avatar for Piet van Dongen

Piet van Dongen

Cloud Consultant, Luminis
Piet van Dongen is cloud consultant and senior software engineer at Luminis Arnhem. He loves to help organisations with mapping and exploring software and business opportunities. The more complicated, the better! Piet can regularly be found on stage at conferences like Codemotion... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 13:00 - 14:00 CEST
#4 Cloud Platforms

14:00 CEST

Kryptographie für Einsteiger
Wissen über die Grundlagen der Kryptographie werden immer wichtiger. Kaum ein Projekt, in dem nicht Verschlüsselungstechniken eingesetzt werden. Durch die Nutzung verteilter Architekturen wie z.B. Microservices wird die Absicherung der Kommunikation immer wichtiger. Neben der Absicherung der Kommunikation zwischen Systemen werden damit unter anderem Kennwörter sicher gespeichert. Immer wichtiger wird die Nutzung von Kryptographie zur Authentifizierung der Kommunikationspartner. Die meisten Konfiguration und Abläufe benötigen kaum detailliertes Wissen. Kommt es jedoch zu Problemen hilft einem grundlegendes Wissen der zugrundeliegenden Technik bei der Lösung. Der Vortrag führt praxisorientiert in die Grundlagen der Verschlüsselung ein. - Was ist symmetrische / asymmetrische Verschlüsselung? - Welche Verschlüsselungsverfahren gibt es? - Was ist eine Cipher Suite? - Was sind Hashes? - Private Key, Public Key und Zertifikat - Was ist eine CA? - Die digitale Unterschrift

avatar for Sebastian Hempel

Sebastian Hempel

Senior Software-Entwickler, IT-Consulting Hempel
Sebastian Hempel ist selbständiger IT-Consultant und Trainer aus dem Fichtelgebirge. Seit 2003 unterstützt er Kunden bei der Entwicklung und dem Betrieb von Enterprise Anwendungen. Seine Schwerpunkte liegen dabei bei Java EE auf Linux Systemen. In Projekten übernimmt er gerne die... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 14:00 - 15:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

14:00 CEST

Cloud native Java microservices with GraalVM
GraalVM can improve performance of your applications by using a more sophisticated and powerful JIT compiler. It can also completely change the runtime performance of your applications by compiling them to native binaries with the Native Image technology giving them instant startup and lowering memory footprint. Many popular frameworks include support for using native image and help with starting to benefit from it. In this session we'll look at some of the "best practices" that come up in the projects using native images. From simplifying the configuration, to making the executables smaller, to learning about the memory management and configuration, we'll talk about the things you need to know most to use GraalVM native image effectively. And after the session you'll be better equipped to use native image in your projects, understand the trade-offs better and how to integrate it with your project workflows the best.

avatar for Oleg Šelajev

Oleg Šelajev

Developer advocate, Docker
Oleg Šelajev is a developer advocate at Docker working mainly on developer productivity, Testcontainers, and improving how we set up local development environments and tests. Developer. Author. Speaker. Java Champion. Docker captain.Loves all languages.

Wednesday October 6, 2021 14:00 - 15:00 CEST
#3 Java Cloud Native

14:00 CEST

Ethereum for Java Developers
Blockchain technology is often dismissed as a useless overhyped pyramid-scheme by big parts of the IT community. At the same time, people tend to throw Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, NFTs, Ethereum and Proof-of-Work into the same bag, which leads to false assumptions about applicability and drawbacks of blockchain technology. I don’t want to convert anyone into a blockchain zealot, but I’d like to capture your curiosity as engineers and computer scientists. Ethereum is an exciting technology and a technological experiment on a world scale. It provides us with a global singleton computer, that can’t be stopped or censored by third parties, while at the same time being ubiquitous. It is natively object-oriented and open by design all the while being accessible by using traditional programming languages and constructs. It provides us with a new class of applications, decentralized apps (Dapps). While I don’t think what you learn in this talk will be something you will directly apply in your day to day work, I hope it will inspire you to see things that might be. To say it in the words of Alan Turing, the father of modern computer science and artificial intelligence: “We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.”

avatar for Kevin Wittek

Kevin Wittek

Software Engineer, AtomicJar Inc.
Testcontainers co-maintainer, passionate about FLOSS, containers and Java. Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador. Likes to write Python programs to support his wife in performing behavioral science experiments with pigeons. Plays the electric guitar and is a musician in his second life.After... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 14:00 - 15:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

14:00 CEST

Fighting Climate Change by Building Sustainable Software
As software engineers, we build applications that eventually run on one or more servers, which consume electricity. Electricity is commonly generated by coal, oil, gas; when burned, they produce carbon dioxide (CO2), which is the main driver of climate change. Clearly, our software applications have an environmental impact based on the resources (CPU, number of servers, etc.) that they consume. What can we do to reduce the environmental footprint of our software applications? This session provides practical guidelines that will help you reduce or even eliminate the emissions of carbon dioxide associated with your software applications, a process that is also known as decarbonization. It is assumed you are involved in building software applications and aspire to help prevent climate change.

avatar for Ioannis Kolaxis

Ioannis Kolaxis

Software Architect, Atos
Ioannis Kolaxis is a Software Architect, building Next Generation 911/112 software solutions that empower emergency services to save lives. He shares his experience with the software development community, speaking at international conferences, such as Oracle Code One 2019. He is... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 14:00 - 15:00 CEST
#5 Architecture

17:00 CEST

Automating & Monitoring Seedling Growth in the Cloud Using IoT, Messaging & Micronaut
It all started with a small project to pass the time during The Great Quarantine of 2020. I bought some chiles from the local farmer’s market (with proper face coverings and social distancing, of course), fermented my first batch of hot sauce, and shared it with a few friends around the globe. I had no idea the sauce would be such a massive success, so I resolved to build on that triumph in 2021. But this time, I knew that I would have to start from the very beginning and grow the chiles myself. Of course, this presented the wonderful opportunity to combine two of my life’s greatest passions - the culinary arts and technology - to ensure that my growth operation was the ultimate success. Join me in this session where I show you how I used a microcontroller, some sensors and the cloud to monitor and automate the germination and maturation of this year’s crop.

avatar for Todd Sharp

Todd Sharp

Developer Advocate, Twitch
I’m a developer who advocates and evangelizes about interactive video streaming at Twitch. I’ve been writing code since 2004, and feel extremely lucky to be paid to do what I love and am truly passionate about. As part of my role as a Developer Advocate, I write lots of demos... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 17:00 - 18:00 CEST
#4 Cloud Platforms

17:00 CEST

RESTful Java: 2021 Edition
RESTful Java is constantly evolving. If you are starting a new project or modernizing an old one, it can be complicated to choose what APIs and frameworks to use.  In this session, we'll compare and contrast several popular Java APIs and frameworks for creating and consuming RESTful services. We'll also cover when and where some APIs make more sense than others and some basic architecture practices to facilitate porting between different frameworks. This session is intended for beginners, but seasoned veterans are welcome too.

avatar for Andrew McCright

Andrew McCright

Web Services Architect, IBM
Andy is a Web Services Architect and Senior Software Engineer at IBM's WebSphere and Open Liberty development lab based in Rochester, Minnesota.  He is a frequent contributor to open source software such as Open Liberty, Apache CXF, RESTEasy, MicroProfile, Jakarta RESTful Web Services... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 17:00 - 18:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

18:00 CEST

Exploring Stateful Microservices built with Open Liberty in Kubernetes
How does one choose to architect a system that has a Microservice / REST API endpoints? There are many solutions out there. Some are better than others. Should state be held in a server side component? Generally we are told this is a bad practice, but is it? It’s unclear and this confusion may lead to poor technology stack choices that are impossible or extremely hard to change later on as your system evolves in terms of demand and performance. We will explore into a tried and true, enterprise-grade, Java Open Source stack - Open Liberty in Kubernetes - which exercises and promises to fulfill the expectations of a modern server solution that epitomizes all the elements needed to build, run and deploy an efficient production system today. We will examine and demonstrate the fundamentals of such a system that’s built with Open Liberty in Kubernetes: * Microservices/REST API – Options to use when running your apps in the JVM * Concurrency – how to take advantage of multi-core CPUs and clustered distributed systems * Stateful vs Stateless - while stateless apps are easier to implement, the bulk of the apps in production are stateful which involve a higher level of complexity and risk, especially when data would need to travel across multiple machine and network boundaries * Deployment – how about containerization and orchestration using Kubernetes?

avatar for Mary Grygleski

Mary Grygleski

Sr. Developer Advocate, Independent
Mary is a Java Champion, and an experienced, passionate Developer Advocate.  She has serviced companies as an advocate, such as IBM and DataStax in topic areas that include, most recently, GenAI, Streaming systems, Open source, Java, Cloud, and Distributed Messaging systems..  She... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 18:00 - 19:00 CEST
#3 Java Cloud Native

18:00 CEST

Spring For Architects
With globally distributed applications (and teams!) the job of software architect isn’t getting any easier; applications are growing increasingly complex and architects are spread thin. You can’t be involved with every decision, you must empower your teams while ensuring they are making good choices. How do you do that? How can frameworks like Spring not only make your life easier but help your teams deliver robust applications to production? Spring Cloud has a veritable plethora of sub projects from circuit breakers to functions simplifying the task of building cloud native applications while making it easy for developers to adhere to best practices. At the same time it can be overwhelming to get your head wrapped around all the features Spring offers. This talk will show how Spring allows architects to focus on the critical design decisions they need to make while ensuring developers are empowered to implement critical business use cases. Today’s cloud native applications have similar pitfalls, luckily Spring is here to help you resolve them!

avatar for Nathaniel Schutta

Nathaniel Schutta

Software Architect, Pivotal
Nathaniel T. Schutta is a software architect focused on cloud computing and building usable applications. A proponent of polyglot programming, Nate has written multiple books and appeared in various videos. Nate is a seasoned speaker regularly presenting at conferences worldwide... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 18:00 - 19:00 CEST
#5 Architecture

19:00 CEST

Eclipse Adoptium - Was ist das eigentlich?
In den letzten Jahren gingen bzgl. der neuen Java-Roadmap und der geänderten Lizenzbestimmungen von Oracle viele Gerüchte durch die Java Community. Heute kann man sich nicht mehr einfach seine Java Runtime bei Oracle runterladen und auf den eigenen Firmenservern nutzen sondern muss zwischen verschiedenen Providern wählen. Einer dieser Runtime Anbieter ist Eclipse Adoptium. Aber wer bzw. was verbirgt sich eigentlich hinter Eclipse Adoptium und wie unterscheiden sich deren Java Distributionen und Lizenzen von anderen Anbietern? Und was hat AdoptOpenJDK eigentlich damit zu tun? Als Working Group Mitglied und Commiter bei Adoptium will ich in diesem Talk einen Überblick zur Entstehung und Intention von Eclipse Adoptium geben und zeigen, wie hier ein großes Community-Basiertes Projekt zur kostenlosen Weiternutzung von Java entstanden ist. Natürlich wird auch auf Fragen zum Thema Security und Zukunftssicherheit von Adoptium eingegangen. Zusätzlich werde ich die aktuellen und zukünftigen Ziele des Projektes aufzeigen und auch Ideen geben, wie interessierte Teilnehmer sich bei dem Projekt beteiligen und einbringen können.

avatar for Hendrik Ebbers

Hendrik Ebbers

Co-Founder, Karakun GmbH
Hendrik Ebbers (@hendrikEbbers) ist Java Champion, JCP Expert Group Member und als Rockstar-Speaker der JavaOne ausgezeichnet. Hendrik ist Co-Founder der Karakun AG und Gründer der JUG Dortmund sowie der Cyberland. Hendrik gibt auf der ganzen Welt Vorträge und Workshop zum Thema... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 19:00 - 20:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

20:00 CEST

How Microsoft Learned to Love Java
This session is a fast-paced tour of all things Java and Azure at the modern Microsoft of today. We will first talk about the why, how and what of Java and Microsoft. We will then dive right into the broad range of tools, services and APIs that Microsoft offers around Azure for Java developers. We will show a small but representative demo of a Java application most developers would feel familiar with running well on Azure. Lastly, we will discuss the road map for what Java developers can expect from Microsoft in the future. This session is as much about sharing what Microsoft offers today as it is about listening to what the Java community wants to see from Microsoft tomorrow.

Have a look at the Session Teaser!​​​

avatar for Reza Rahman

Reza Rahman

Principal Program Manager, Microsoft
Reza Rahman is Principal Program Manager for Java on Azure at Microsoft. He works to make sure Java developers are first class citizens at Microsoft and Microsoft is a first class citizen of the Java ecosystem.Reza has been an official Java technologist at Oracle. He is the author... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 20:00 - 21:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

20:00 CEST

Micronaut Security
Micronaut has extensive support for securing access to your applications. In this talk we'll look at several approaches, including OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, JWT, and session-based authentication, as well as security configuration and customization. Through several demos you'll see how easy Micronaut makes implementing authentication and authorization.

avatar for Burt Beckwith

Burt Beckwith

Principal Engineer, Oracle Labs
Burt Beckwith has been a software developer for over 20 years, most of that as a JVM developer. He is currently on the Micronaut core team at Oracle Labs and was previously on the Grails core team at SpringSource/VMware/Pivotal.

Wednesday October 6, 2021 20:00 - 21:00 CEST
#3 Java Cloud Native

20:00 CEST

Newest and coolest features in Helidon
Helidon evolves at highest possible speed. A lot new features and integrations are there to speed up your productivity and give your product new possibilities. In this talk we will highlight: - Neo4j integration - Micrometer Support - RSocket support - JHipster Helidon integration -

avatar for Dmitry Aleksandrov

Dmitry Aleksandrov

Software Developer, Oracle
Dmitry is a Senior Principle Developer at Oracle, Java Champion, Oracle Dev Champion. He has more than a decade experience mainly in Java Enterprise in banking/telecom, but interested in dynamic languages on JVM and features like massive computations on GPUs. A true believer in open... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 20:00 - 21:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

20:00 CEST

Users Don't Have to Suffer in the Cloud
The cloud has a lot to offer organizations - this is unquestionable. It is clear - the cloud has extraordinary potential to disrupt how IT manages applications and how IT delivers services to end users. The strategies to move to the cloud for enterprises usually steer towards either migrating their data centers to IaaS and PaaS (think Azure or AWS) or fully replacing on-premises applications with SaaS alternatives (Salesforce, ServiceNow, Office365 for example). These strategies can introduce serious challenges for end-users. The impact to the end-user experience is often not considered in these plans. What if there was a third option? Where the user experience was centralized and the data integrity was preserved. There is. A hub and spoke architecture doesn't sacrifice user experience or data integrity and frees the enterprise to make the right technology decisions without impacting user adoption.

avatar for Melissa Jurkoic

Melissa Jurkoic

CXO/Cofounder, addapptation/Diversify Thinking
Melissa has worked in the tech industry for over 20 years in roles ranging from Junior Software Engineer to her current role as the Chief Customer Experience Officer at addapptation. She holds a Bachelor’s in Computer Science from the University of New Hampshire and an executive... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 20:00 - 21:00 CEST
#5 Architecture

21:00 CEST

Keynote | Java - unlimited in the cloud
Let’s remove the illusion of limits. Step back and rethink. Especially on boundaries that might just be in our head. Microsoft is one of the leaders in distributed Java and even has its own build of OpenJDK. Microsoft’s open-source contributions don't only focus on Java and the OpenJDK, but also Linux, VS Code, TypeScript, Kubernetes, and many more. We are where developers are. Inside Microsoft, we have also developed a strong open-source program over the past decade, making it easy for every team at Microsoft to choose to use, contribute to, and release open-source software. Many of our tools and approaches are available outside of Microsoft as well. It's an exciting time to use technology to build and deliver whatever you can imagine. We are building value together and welcome everyone to participate and go beyond limits.

avatar for Sandra Ahlgrimm

Sandra Ahlgrimm

Cloud Developer Advocate, Microsoft
Sandra works for Java developers at Microsoft. Ensuring that the Java efforts remain community-focused and data-driven, she loves to dive into the newest features. Sandra gives back to the community with learning content not only on MS Learn but also the 'Java on Azure YouTube' channel... Read More →

Wednesday October 6, 2021 21:00 - 22:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only
Thursday, October 7

09:00 CEST

System.out.println("USE A LOGGER")
Egal ob man eine kleine Library, ein komplexes Framework oder eine Anwendung für Endanwender entwickelt - Irgendwann kommt man an den Punkt dass man Information loggen möchte. Hier bietet die Java Community eine ganze Fülle an Lösungen: Neben dem java.util.Logging gibt es Libraries wie commons-logging, Log4J oder Logback. Wo liegen hier eigentlich die Unterschiede und Alleinstellungsmerkmale? Dazu kommt, dass ja eigentlich alle sagen, dass nur die Nutzung von slf4J “Best Practice” sei. Aber warum soll ich eine Abstraktion bei der Entwicklung einer konkreten Anwendung nutzen? Oder bietet slf4j vielleicht noch ganz andere Vorteile? Und als wenn das nicht schon genug Fragen wären wurde mit Java 9 einfach mal still und heimlich mit dem System.Logger ein neuer Logger ins OpenJDK integriert. Dieser Talk gibt einen verständlichen Leitpfaden durch den Logging Dschungel und zeigt ein paar Praktiken, die helfen das Logging von Libraries und Anwendungen in den Griff zu bekommen. Wenn du kurz davor bist aus Frust doch wieder System.out zu nutzen ist diese Session genau richtig für dich.

avatar for Hendrik Ebbers

Hendrik Ebbers

Co-Founder, Karakun GmbH
Hendrik Ebbers (@hendrikEbbers) ist Java Champion, JCP Expert Group Member und als Rockstar-Speaker der JavaOne ausgezeichnet. Hendrik ist Co-Founder der Karakun AG und Gründer der JUG Dortmund sowie der Cyberland. Hendrik gibt auf der ganzen Welt Vorträge und Workshop zum Thema... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 09:00 - 10:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

09:00 CEST

Modularization: Foundation of Microservices and Monoliths
Modularization is the key to develop large systems. With the advent of Microservices, the discussion about this central concept started again - but recently also modularized monoliths emerged as an architectural style. This talk shows the classic concepts for modularization, for example from Parnas, and explains what can be learned from these approaches for the architecture work of modern systems.

Have a look at the Session Teaser!​​​

avatar for Eberhard Wolff

Eberhard Wolff

Head of Architecture, SWAGLab
Eberhard Wolff has 20+ years of experience as an architect and consultant - often on the intersection of business and technology. He is Head of Architecture at SWAGLab. As a speaker, he has given talks at international conferences and as an author, he has written more than 100 articles... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 09:00 - 10:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

09:00 CEST

You may not need JavaScript
Single page applications (SPA) have become the for web application development. Angular, React, Vue.js and Ember.js are the best known representatives from this category of web frameworks. But does this client architecture fit every application? Or are there alternatives that may fit better and are less complex to develop? In the first part of the talk, the differences between SPAs and classic, server-side approaches are explained and the advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The second part reports on a current customer project in which the front end of a large ERP system had to be replaced by a modern web front end. The chosen framework is Vaadin Flow, a server-side web framework that makes development of web applications entirely in Java possible. First, the new architecture of Vaadin Flow, which is no longer based on GWT but on web components, is explained. Then it will be shown how configurable, form-based and data-centric web applications can be implemented very efficiently by using jOOQ as a database access layer.

avatar for Simon Martinelli

Simon Martinelli

Programming Architect, 72 Services LLC
Simon Martinelli is the owner of 72 Services LLC and has been working as a software architect, developer, consultant, and trainer for three decades, especially in the Java Enterprise environment. His current interest is increasing the efficiency of full-stack development with Java... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 09:00 - 10:00 CEST
#5 Web Development

10:00 CEST

Rolling Stones – vom Release überrollt
Jeder macht es, manche sogar mehrmals täglich. Aber nur wenige kennen die komplexen ineinander greifenden Mechanismen, die ein vollständiges Software Release ausmachen. Deshalb kommt es hin und wieder vor, das sich ein Paket in der automatisierten Verarbeitungskette querstellt. Mit ein wenig Theorie und einem typischen Beispiele aus dem Java Universum zeige ich, wie man ein wenig Druck aus dem Softwareentwicklungsprozess nehmen kann, um zu schlanken leicht automatisierten Prozessen gelangt.

avatar for Marco Schulz

Marco Schulz

Build, Configuration & Release Management, Marco Schulz Consulting
Marco Schulz studied at HS Merseburg, Germany, computer science and holds an engineers degree in software engineering. He tweets as @ElmarDott regularly about several technical topics. The main topics in his field of work are Build and Configuration Management, Software Architecture... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 10:00 - 11:00 CEST
#4 DevOps

10:00 CEST

Break free from maintenance hell with Clean Code
If you ever had to find the bug late night and asked yourself how to do it better next time. See this talk and find out you are not alone and there are even worse things to discover. See what you can do today to create a better world for future-you :) Spoiler Alert: some examples will make you laugh and then cry :) Robert C. Martin coined the term "Clean Code" in his eponymous book for software development. But what is clean code and what does this have to do with the maintainability of software? In this talk, you will find practical examples of how small improvements in "code cleanliness" can have very positive effects on the maintainability of your software. Using examples from more than 15 years of project experience, you will learn techniques that you can still use today in your code.

avatar for Richard Fichtner

Richard Fichtner

CEO, XDEV Software GmbH
Richard Fichtner is a passionate Java developer with more than 15 years of experience in the software industry. He is involved in the open-source community to spread knowledge about Java technologies. He speaks at conferences such as Oracle Code / JavaOne / JCON / Clean Code Days... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 10:00 - 11:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

11:00 CEST

Turbo powered Web Apps - moderne Web Anwendungen mit plain HTML
HTML spielt in modernen Web Anwendungen nur die zweite Geige. JavaScript Frameworks wie Angular oder React spielen die erste. Aber muss das so sein? Mit Turbo (https://turbo.hotwire.dev/) stellt Basecamp (um Rails Gründer David Heinemeier Hansson) einen alternativen Ansatz vor, um moderne Web Anwendungen mit plain HTML zu entwickeln. Das Grundprinzip von Turbo: Über die Leitung geht nur HTML, gerendert wird auf dem Server. An einem praktischen Beispiel lernt Ihr mit Turbo eine moderne Web Anwendung zu bauen, nur mit HTML. Das Beispiel geht von Login und Navigation mit Turbo Drive bis zum Formular mit Turbo Streams. Ihr sollt in der Lage sein zu beurteilen, ob der Turbo Ansatz für Web Anwendungen mit plain HTML für Euch das richtige ist. Vielleicht steckt dann bald auch Turbo Power in Eurer neuen oder alten Web App.

avatar for Jan Stamer

Jan Stamer

Solution Architect, Commerzbank AG
As Leading Software Engineer Jan Stamer implements and designs forward-looking and sustainable solutions for the financial world. He uses a modern cloud-native Stack with Java, Go and state-of-the-art web technologies. The smart digital solutions are implemented with consequent DevOps... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 11:00 - 12:00 CEST
#5 Web Development

12:00 CEST

Automate an idea to production using Spring Boot apps
Imagine that you're an infrastructure manager who's been asked to provision your Spring Boot resources by using Terraform. In this session, you’ll learn how to automate Spring Boot Apps from an idea to Production. We’ll cover: - Provisioning a database and an Azure App Service instance using Terraform and GitHub Actions - Configure your repo to build and deploy your application on-demand. At Microsoft we encourage you to use the tools and frameworks that you know and love - We go to where developers are! You love GitHub - Now, you can learn how to use GitHub Actions with Terraform to provide the automation you need for your Spring Boot apps on Azure. So, start your journey now with "Automate an idea to production using Spring Boot apps."

avatar for Rory Preddy

Rory Preddy

Principal Cloud Advocate, Microsoft
Rory works in the Developer Relations team at Microsoft as a Principal Cloud Advocate. Cloud Advocates use their deep research skills to help professional cloud developers discover and successfully use Microsoft’s platforms. A seasoned speaker whose talks are both meaningful and... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 12:00 - 13:00 CEST
#4 DevOps

12:00 CEST

Web Components for Java Developers
When you inspect YouTube’s code in the browser, you’ll see HTML elements such as ytd-thumbnail and ytd-player. These elements are called Web Components and you’ll find them not only on YouTube but websites such as GitHub and Google Patents. In this talk, you’ll learn what Web Components are, what the three standards that enable them are, how to code them in vanilla JavaScript, and how to use them from Java without having to use HTML or JavaScript. All this in a talk with more code than slides!

avatar for Alejandro Duarte

Alejandro Duarte

Developer Advocate, MariaDB plc
Alejandro Duarte is a Software Engineer, published author, Developer Advocate at MariaDB plc, programmer since age 13, and open-source software development enthusiast. You can follow him on Twitter @alejandro_du.

Thursday October 7, 2021 12:00 - 13:00 CEST
#5 Web Development

13:00 CEST

JUnit Tests? Excellent! – Die Eigenschaften guter Tests
Automatisierte Tests haben viele Vorteile. Sie helfen unter anderem die Fehlerzahl zu reduzieren, geben Sicherheit bei Änderungen, dienen als "Documentation as Code", helfen die Codequalität zu verbessern etc. Doch wenn du nicht aufpasst können deine Tests dich auch mal in falscher Sicherheit wiegen. Und nicht selten kommt es vor dass Tests zum Ärgernis oder gar zum Wartungs-Alptraum werden. Worauf du achten solltest damit das nicht passiert, und was gute Tests allgemein ausmacht, erfährst du in dieser Session.

avatar for Stefan Waldmann

Stefan Waldmann

Senior Software Engineer, doubleSlash GmbH
Stefan ist leidenschaftlicher Java-Entwickler mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von Geschäftsanwendungen in den Bereichen Webanwendungen und Backend Services. Neuerungen im Bereich von Java und anderen JVM-Sprachen faszinieren ihn. Besonders begeistern ihn gute Code-Qualität... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 13:00 - 14:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

13:00 CEST

How Class Data Sharing Can Speed up Your Jakarta EE Application Startup
Java Byte code is OS independent, which means your application's startup takes more time than a native image. Using the Class Data Sharing functionality introduced in more recent versions of the JVM, you can prepare your application to load very fast. In this presentation, I'll go into more detail about what Class Data Sharing is and the differences between the OpenJDK and OpenJ9 versions. Using some Jakarta EE demo applications, you will see gains that you can achieve and reduce memory footprint in Docker containers by sharing memory.

avatar for Rudy De Busscher

Rudy De Busscher

Developer Advocate, MicroStream
Developer Advocate for MicroStream, crafting Enterprise backend applications with passion. Working on open source projects, helping customers and spreading the knowledge about coding.

Thursday October 7, 2021 13:00 - 14:00 CEST
#3 Java Cloud Native

13:00 CEST

MicroProfile 4.0 and Beyond
MicroProfile has evolved itself to be a standard body for developing Cloud Native APIs. MicroProfile 4.0 is the latest release so far. In this session, Emily is going to bring you up to date with the new features in MicroProfile 4.0 with a live demo and briefly discuss what is next for MicroProfile. Come to this session to get yourself updated with the latest news on MicroProfile.

avatar for Emily Jiang

Emily Jiang

Cloud Native Architect and Advocate, IBM, IBM
Emily Jiang is a Java Champion. She is Liberty Cloud Native Architect and Chief Advocate, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) in IBM, based at Hursley Lab in the UK. Emily is a MicroProfile guru and has been working on MicroProfile since 2016 and leads a number of specifications... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 13:00 - 14:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

14:00 CEST

Learning by writing code and test-cases
During development and writing test-cases you can improve your knowledge and learn a lot about - JAVA-basics and language-specific features - architecture/design of your project - usability of your code and libraries - wrong assumptions about how your code works This talk takes you to a journey about how you can improve the quality of your code by developing basic test-cases first and try out a scenario beforehand. While doing this you can discover some nice features and unexpected restrictions of the JAVA-language. We will have a look at some code-samples, the according test-cases written in JUnit 5 and explore impacts and possible solutions. We will also have a look at the limits of testability and reachability of a high test-coverage.

avatar for Joachim Reiter

Joachim Reiter

Freelancer and founder, kreativgeist.at
Joachim Reiter develops since 1997 relational databases, automatic generation of input-forms, tables and queries including their relations. Due to his studies at the university of technology in graz he investigated the possibilities to versionize records in a database. In the activity... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 14:00 - 15:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

14:00 CEST

React in 40 minutes
You've heard about React, the user interface library developed by Facebook? And you're wondering how to use it beyond the “Hello, World” stage? Then this talk is for you! Join me in an action-packed session full of live code examples where we'll discover how you can use React to build the hottest web applications while keeping your head cool. When you leave the room, you'll know enough to build real-world web applications!

avatar for Maarten Mulders

Maarten Mulders

IT Consultant, Info Support
Passionate architect, senior developer and trainer; also Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador. Passionate about "building the right thing" and "building the thing right". Focusing on lean and elegant solutions. Love to share new ideas and knowledge. Outside work, I appreciate creating... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 14:00 - 15:00 CEST
#5 Web Development

14:00 CEST

Thriving in the cloud: Going beyond the 12 factors
Enabling applications to really thrive (and not just survive) in cloud environments can be challenging. The original 12 factor app methodology helped to lay out some of the key characteristics needed for cloud-native applications... but... as our cloud infrastructure and tooling has progressed, so too have these factors. In this session we'll dive into the extended and updated 15 factors needed to build cloud native applications that are able to thrive in this environment, and we'll take a look at open source technologies and tools that can help us achieve this.

Have a look at the Session Teaser!​​​

avatar for Grace Jansen

Grace Jansen

Developer Advocate, IBM
Grace is a Developer Advocate at IBM, working with Open Liberty and Reactive Platform. She has been with IBM since graduating from Exeter University with a Degree in Biology. Grace enjoys bringing a varied perspective to her projects and using her knowledge of biological systems to... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 14:00 - 15:00 CEST
#3 Java Cloud Native

15:00 CEST

Keynote | Quarkus Deep-Dive
This keynote talk dives deep into the internals of Quarkus and explains how its unique architecture makes it different from other frameworks. We will start with an overview of the architecture, then cover how extensions work, and finally go in-depth on the internals of developer productivity features such as continuous testing and Dev Services. By the end of the talk, we will have covered how Quarkus gives you the best of both worlds, with a first-class development experience that still results in small optimized applications.

avatar for Stuart Douglas

Stuart Douglas

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Stuart is one of the founders of the Quarkus project and has more than a decade of experience working on Java middleware. In addition to his work on Quarkus, Stuart is the co-lead of the Jakarta Servlet Specification and founded the Undertow web server, as well as being a major contributor... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 15:00 - 16:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

16:00 CEST

HTML over the wire
Single Page Applikationen mit Frameworks wie React, Angular oder Vue.js ermöglichen dank umfangreicher Komponenten Bibliotheken wie Fluent UI oder Material Design ansprechende und komplexe Oberflächen zu erstellen. Allerdings erhört die Verwendung solcher Frameworks die Komplexität bei Webanwendungen erheblich. Typischerweise wird serverseitig eine REST-Schnittstelle implementiert. Dadurch wird es erforderlich den Zustand der Anwendung auf dem Server und im Client konsistent zu halten, was die Komplexität weiter erhöht. Wenn dann auch noch die Webseite serverseitig gerendert werden soll, führt das meistens noch zu einem zusätzlichen NodeJs-Server.
Gibt es noch andere Optionen, die schnelle Interaktion von SPA mit serverseitigem rendern der Webseiten zu kombinieren? Schaut man sich zum Beispiel, wie schnell Amazon die Produktlisten beim Stöbern aktualisiert, stellt man fest, dass dort fertig erzeugtes HTML via AJAX geladen und in den bestehenden DOM eingebaut wird. Die E-Mail-Anwendung HEY von Basecamp geht noch ein Schritt weiter und sendet fertig erzeugtes HTML über WebSockets.
Ich möchte zeigen, wie man mit "HTML over the Wire" moderne Web-Applikationen bauen kann. Dabei nutzen wir die Bibliotheken Turbo und Stimulus.

avatar for Nicolai Mainiero

Nicolai Mainiero

Expert Software Developer, sidion GmbH
Nicolai Mainiero ist Diplom-Informatiker und arbeitet als Software Developer bei der Firma sidion. Er entwickelt seit über zwölf Jahren Geschäftsanwendungen in Java und Kotlin für unterschiedlichste Kundenprojekte. Dabei setzt er vor allem auf agile Methoden wie Kanban. Außerdem... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 16:00 - 17:00 CEST
#5 Web Development

16:00 CEST

Magische Schichten - Das Layered Entity Konzept
Immer wieder werden wir in Verbindung mit MicroStream nach Funktionen gefragt wie zum Beispiel “Logging“, “Versionierung“ oder “Concurrency“. Wir müssen dann immer darauf verweisen, dass diese kein Kernfunktionalität einer Datenbank ist, sondern eher Teil der Businesslogik der eigentlichen Applikation. Um aber trotzdem eine solche Funktionalität out of the box anbieten zu können oder ein System zu bieten welches sich durch Plugins erweitern lässt, haben wir ein mehrschichtiges entity Konzept (Layered Entities) entwickelt. In diesem Vortrag geht es darum wie dieses Konzept grundsätzlich funktioniert, wie man es verwendet und welche Funktionalität bereits implementiert ist. Zusätzlich kann dieses Konzept natürlich auch Anregung für das spätere Entity design sein.

avatar for Christian Kuemmel

Christian Kuemmel

Project Manager, Senior Software Consultant, MicroStream Software GmbH
Projektleiter, Senior Software Consultant 12 Jahre im Java Umfeld tätig 8 Jahre Erfahrung im Umgang mit Hibernate Seit ca. 2 Jahren bei MicroStream

Thursday October 7, 2021 16:00 - 17:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

16:00 CEST

Microservices mit Micronaut
Startup-Zeiten von Containern werden bei elastischer Skalierung in der Cloud immer wichtiger – wer möchte schon 2 Minuten warten, bis eine neue Instanz des Services erscheint? Hier kann der Shooting Star von Java-basierten Microservices, Spring Boot, nicht glänzen. Systembedingt steigt die Startzeit des Containers mit der Menge der Klassen auf dem Classpath. Auch der Speicherverbrauch einer Spring Boot Anwendung ist nicht gerade gering. Micronaut, erschaffen von den Machern des Grails-Frameworks, behauptet, diese Probleme in den Griff zu bekommen. In dem Talk sehen wir uns an, wie sich Microservices mit Micronaut entwickeln lassen und prüfen, ob es die Versprechen hält.

avatar for Moritz Kammerer

Moritz Kammerer

Expert Software Engineer, QAware
Moritz Kammerer arbeitet als Expert Software Engineer bei der QAware GmbH in München. Er ist begeisterter Backend-Entwickler, vor allem auf der JVM. Neben Java hat es ihm die Programmiersprache Kotlin angetan. Außerdem ist er Autor diverser Open-Source-Projekte.

Thursday October 7, 2021 16:00 - 17:00 CEST
#3 Java Cloud Native

16:00 CEST

Jakarta EE Security - Sailing Safe in Troubled Waters
Security in Jakarta EE has long been under used and under specified. Existing specifications ranged from overly complex to non-existent. The result was few people used security standards. Java EE 8 changed that with JSR 375. Its evolution Jakarta Security facilitates portable application security integrated with container security. Allowing applications to treat authentication mechanisms like OAuth or OpenID Connect same as built-in container mechanisms like FORM or container-based access to a URL and features like @RolesAllowed and isUserInRole automatically work as expected. It depends on CDI, and lower level SPIs Jakarta Authentication and Jakarta Authorization. Jakarta Authorization defines an SPI for authorization based security checking if a subject has given permissions and algorithms to transform security constraints for containers including Servlets or Enterprise Beans into them. Jakarta Authentication defines an SPI for authentication that interacts with a container’s environment to obtain the caller’s credentials, validate them and pass an authenticated identity (e.g. name, groups,...) to the container. This hands-on session is intended to get attendees up to speed with the state of Jakarta Security specs, demonstrate compatible implementations like Soteria, Exousia and others including Eclipse Glassfish or Tomcat. We will ask the audience for their opinion and thoughts what else they would like to see in the Security specs with Jakarta EE 10 and beyond.

avatar for Ivar Grimstad

Ivar Grimstad

Jakarta EE Developer Advocate, Eclipse Foundation
Ivar Grimstad is the Jakarta EE Developer Advocate at Eclipse Foundation. He is a Java Champion and JUG Leader based in Sweden. Besides advocating the Jakarta EE technologies, Ivar is contributing to the Jakarta EE specifications as well as being the PMC Lead for Eclipse Enterprise... Read More →
avatar for Werner Keil

Werner Keil

Director, CATMedia
Werner Keil is a Cloud Architect, Jakarta EE and Microservice expert for the financial sector. Helping Global 500 Enterprises across industries and leading IT vendors. He worked for over 30 years as IT Manager, PM, Coach, SW architect and consultant for Finance, Mobile, Media, Transport... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 16:00 - 17:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

17:00 CEST

Java meets TypeScript: building a full-stack web app with Spring Boot and LitElement
In the presentation, you'll learn how to build a full-stack web app step-by-step from scratch. Vaadin Fusion is a new unique web framework designed for Java backends. It combines a Spring Boot backend with a TypeScript-based LitElement frontend. It includes 40+ customizable UI components, type-safe server communication, and preconfigured build tooling–everything you need for productive and enjoyable development.

avatar for Marcus Hellberg

Marcus Hellberg

VP of Developer Relations, Vaadin
Marcus is a long-time Java and web developer, always interested in learning new things. He's especially interested in modern web technologies and Java. Marcus loves teaching developers about cool new technologies and has presented at over 50 international conferences and user groups... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 17:00 - 18:00 CEST
#5 Web Development

17:00 CEST

Landscape of MicroProfile and Jakarta EE Tools
MicroProfile seeks to optimize enterprise Java for microservices architecture and its APIs are gaining momentum and popularity. Jakarta EE is an open set of APIs that enables the worldwide community of Java developers to build applications for enterprises. Both MicroProfile and Jakarta EE are often used together to develop cloud-native Java applications. Then, are tools available for developers to easily build applications with MicroProfile and Jakarta EE? In this session, we will examine the tools that are available to make your life easier as you code MicroProfile and Jakarta EE-based applications. These tools help developers throughout the development lifecycle, from creating a new application, working with compatible runtimes and your favourite editor, to testing your application. Join us to learn about what's out there, talk about what's coming, and see these tools in action.

avatar for Yee-Kang Chang

Yee-Kang Chang

Developer Advocate & Architect, IBM
Yee-Kang (YK) Chang is the lead developer advocate and developer experience architect for IBM's application platform. He contributes to various open source projects like Eclipse Language Servers for MicroProfile & Jakarta EE and Open Liberty and is keen on how we can make life easier... Read More →
avatar for Kathryn Kodama

Kathryn Kodama

Software Developer, Open Liberty Developer Experience, IBM
Kathryn is a software developer on the Open Liberty Developer Experience team at IBM Canada. She has contributed to a number of open-source projects within the MicroProfile and Jakarta EE community, such as the Language Server for MicroProfile, the Jakarta EE Language Server, and... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 17:00 - 18:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only

18:00 CEST

How and Why to Upgrade to Java 17
Java upgrades are sometimes seen as difficult and many applications are still running on an older version of Java. This session describes Java's current six months release process and why applications should use a recent Java version. After that, I'll explain the challenges of upgrading and provide some useful tips to make the process easier. Concrete examples (including solutions) will be used to show you how to upgrade your application to Java 16 or 17.

avatar for Johan Janssen

Johan Janssen

Software architect, ASML
Johan is working as software architect at ASML. He has been working for various demanding companies where rapidly delivering high-quality software was very important. Johan regularly writes articles and presents about various subjects, but mainly around Java. He spoke in 20 countries... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 18:00 - 19:00 CEST
#2 Main EN/DE

18:00 CEST

Supercharge your Spring Boot Apps: The Path to Production
Developing applications is the first step on the path to unlocking and amplifying business value, but the real payoff comes when you deploy to production. Azure Spring Cloud enables you to deploy and run your mission-critical Spring Boot apps resiliently, securely, and efficiently, and to scale with confidence. Once live, you need to monitor complex systems of applications to tune and troubleshoot early to maximize uptime and effectiveness. You must be able to rapidly scale to adapt to dynamic demands. And everything must happen securely to ensure functionality is always accessible to those who need it, while protecting systems and data from those who don't. In this session, you’ll learn how to: * Develop real-world, cloud native Spring Boot apps and deploy them to Azure * Connect to flexible backend databases using Azure Services for increased versatility, enabling developers to spend more time focused on needed capabilities * Secure and isolate your Spring Boot apps from the external or internal threats using Azure Virtual Networks * Leverage Azure's options for monitoring and observability to gain valuable, actionable insights into system health, demand, and usage patterns * Automate coordinated horizontal scaling of applications based on load or schedule using Azure Autoscale for maximum utilization. * And more, depending on time! You’ll leave this session knowing how Azure helps you go from idea to production, quickly and painlessly, for maximum impact.

avatar for Sandra Ahlgrimm

Sandra Ahlgrimm

Cloud Developer Advocate, Microsoft
Sandra works for Java developers at Microsoft. Ensuring that the Java efforts remain community-focused and data-driven, she loves to dive into the newest features. Sandra gives back to the community with learning content not only on MS Learn but also the 'Java on Azure YouTube' channel... Read More →
avatar for Mark Heckler

Mark Heckler

Principal Cloud Advocate, Java/JVM Languages, Microsoft
Mark Heckler is a software developer & Principal Cloud Developer Advocate for Java/JVM Languages at Microsoft, conference speaker, Java Champion, and Kotlin Developer Expert focused on developing innovative production-ready software at velocity for cloud and edge computing platforms... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 18:00 - 19:00 CEST
#5 Web Development

19:00 CEST

Kafka as a Platform: the Ecosystem from the Ground Up
Kafka has become a key data infrastructure technology, and we all have at least a vague sense that it is a messaging system, but what else is it? How can an overgrown message bus be getting this much buzz? Well, because Kafka is merely the center of a rich streaming data platform that invites detailed exploration. In this talk, we’ll look at the entire streaming platform provided by Apache Kafka and the Confluent community components. Starting with a lonely key-value pair, we’ll build up topics, partitioning, replication, and low-level Producer and Consumer APIs. We’ll group consumers into elastically scalable, fault-tolerant application clusters, then layer on more sophisticated stream processing APIs like Kafka Streams and ksqlDB. We’ll help teams collaborate around data formats with schema management. We’ll integrate with legacy systems without writing custom code. By the time we’re done, the open-source project we thought was Big Data’s answer to message queues will have become an enterprise-grade streaming platform, all in 60 minutes.

avatar for Robin Moffatt

Robin Moffatt

Senior Developer Advocate, Confluent
Robin is a Senior Developer Advocate at Confluent, as well as an Oracle ACE Director (Alumnus). He has been speaking at conferences since 2009 including QCon, Devoxx, Strata, Kafka Summit, and Øredev. His particular interests are analytics and systems architecture. You can find his... Read More →

Thursday October 7, 2021 19:00 - 20:00 CEST
#1 Main EN only
Friday, October 8

09:00 CEST

MicroStream - Getting Started & Best Practice
MicroStream is a fundamentally new persistence framework for storing complex Java object graphs, subgraphs, and single objects. In the other direction, it enables loading complex object graphs, subgraphs as well as single objects dynamically and updating the object graph in RAM. With MicroStream database data models become meaningless for Java developers. No more expensive mappings. No more data-type conversion. No more specific query language. Only one data model: Your Java classes without any dependencies (POJOs). No more complex caching layer. No more inconvenient object copies. Simple and clean architecture. Core-Java features instead of database-specific concepts. The end result is a Java in-memory database app or microservice that is ultra-fast. MicroStream is predestined for any database app that needs high performance and especially for microservices having its own persistence. In this live-coding session, you will learn how MicroStream works and how to get started with MicroStream step by step. After that workshop, you will know everything that is important for developing ultra-fast database apps and microservices with MicroStream. And off course, we have enough time for Q&A. Topics: e.g. new features in MicroStream 4, setup, storage targets, configuration, object model design best practice, storing and loading data, lazy-loading, querying complex object graphs with Java Streams API, changing classes and using legacy type mapping / refactoring, backup strategies, providing apps and services access to the persistent data by using REST and GraphQL, using the MicroStream data viewer. Your trainer are: Markus Kett, CEO and Florian Habermann, CTO

avatar for Florian Habermann

Florian Habermann

CTO, MicroStream
Java since 1999. For over 20 years, the main goal of his daily work is making database development with Java much easier and faster than it is today. He still uses every free minute for coding and research.

Friday October 8, 2021 09:00 - 13:00 CEST
Workshop 01

09:00 CEST

RapidClipse - Visual Java IDE
In diesem Workshop erhalten Sie einen Überblick über die Funktionsweise von RapidClipse in Verbindung mit MicroStream. Während des Workshops erfahren Sie alles über das AppLayout, FlexLayout und FormLayout um eine Responsive Business-App zu erstellen. Hierbei wird das Layout einer Web-Application so flexibel gestaltet, dass dieses auf dem Computer- Desktop, Tablet und Smartphone eine gleichbleibende Benutzerfreundlichkeit bietet und der Inhalt gänzlich und schnell vom Besucher aufgenommen werden kann. Für das Speichern von Daten wird hinter den Kulissen das MicroStream Framework verwendet. Abschließend wird die fertige Anwendung als PWA-Application auf einem Server zur Verfügung gestellt.

avatar for Christian Kuemmel

Christian Kuemmel

Project Manager, Senior Software Consultant, MicroStream Software GmbH
Projektleiter, Senior Software Consultant 12 Jahre im Java Umfeld tätig 8 Jahre Erfahrung im Umgang mit Hibernate Seit ca. 2 Jahren bei MicroStream
avatar for Sebastian Späth

Sebastian Späth

Software Developer, XDEV Software GmbH
Als Senior Java Developer habe ich bei MicroStream in verschiedenen Projekten gearbeitet. In knapp 10 Jahren habe ich fast alle Stationen durchlaufen und mir dabei jede Menge unterschiedliches Know-how aneignen können. Über das tagtägliche Lösen technischer Support-Fälle, unzähliger... Read More →

Friday October 8, 2021 09:00 - 15:00 CEST
Workshop 02

09:00 CEST

A Guided Tour of MicroProfile 4.0
In this hands-on session, you will learn the basics around all the MicroProfile implementations and how you can use it in your next application. Topics which will be covered are Config, Health, Metrics, Rest Client, Fault Tolerance, Open Tracing and more. You will be led through a series of demos using these MicroProfile implementations and how each feature addresses one of the challenges in today's development.

avatar for Rudy De Busscher

Rudy De Busscher

Developer Advocate, MicroStream
Developer Advocate for MicroStream, crafting Enterprise backend applications with passion. Working on open source projects, helping customers and spreading the knowledge about coding.

Friday October 8, 2021 09:00 - 16:00 CEST
Workshop 03

10:00 CEST

Running your Java enterprise on Open Liberty on Azure Red Hat OpenShift
In this fast-faced hands-on workshop, you will see first-hand how to run Java EE, Jakarta EE and MicroProfile applications on Open Liberty on Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO). The combination of ARO with Open Liberty offers a powerful and flexible platform for your enterprise Java applications. You will gain working experience on how to stand up an ARO cluster quickly and deploy a realistic Java EE, Jakarta EE and MicroProfile application that integrates with some useful services on the cloud such as database, directory server, cache, or log aggregator. At the end of the workshop, you will have materials available that you can explore on your own.

avatar for Edward Burns

Edward Burns

Principal Architect, Microsoft
Ed Burns is currently Principal Architect on the Java Tooling and Experiences team at Microsoft. In this role, Ed will help make Azure the best place for Enterprise Java.  Prior to joining Microsoft, Ed was a Consulting Member of the Technical Staff At Oracle.  Ed has worked on... Read More →
avatar for Graham Charters

Graham Charters

WebSphere and Liberty Technical Product Manager, IBM
Graham is an IBM Senior Technical Staff Member and Technical Product Manager at IBM's R&D Laboratory in Hursley, UK. He takes a keen interest in emerging technologies and practices and in particular programming models. His past exploits include establishing and contributing to open... Read More →

Friday October 8, 2021 10:00 - 16:00 CEST
Workshop 06

16:00 CEST

Effective Kubernetes for Jakarta EE and MicroProfile Developers
There are several key techniques to understand while using Kubernetes with Java EE, Jakarta EE and MicroProfile applications. Examples include: * How Kubernetes primitives (such as deployments and services) align with application server administration, clustering, auto-discovery, and load-balancing. * How to add self-healing capabilities using Kubernetes probes and monitoring with open source tools like Prometheus/Grafana. * How the CI/CD pipeline of your application can be adapted to Kubernetes. * How Kubernetes can be extended using Operators to effectively manage application server clusters. This workshop walks through each of these considerations in turn. At the end of the workshop, you will have all the materials on GitHub so you can explore on your own.

(Optional) workshop prerequisites​​​

Have a look at the Session Teaser!

avatar for Reza Rahman

Reza Rahman

Principal Program Manager, Microsoft
Reza Rahman is Principal Program Manager for Java on Azure at Microsoft. He works to make sure Java developers are first class citizens at Microsoft and Microsoft is a first class citizen of the Java ecosystem.Reza has been an official Java technologist at Oracle. He is the author... Read More →

Friday October 8, 2021 16:00 - 21:00 CEST
Workshop 07

17:00 CEST

MicroStream - Getting Started & Best Practice
MicroStream is a fundamentally new persistence framework for storing complex Java object graphs, subgraphs, and single objects. In the other direction, it enables loading complex object graphs, subgraphs as well as single objects dynamically and updating the object graph in RAM. With MicroStream database data models become meaningless for Java developers. No more expensive mappings. No more data-type conversion. No more specific query language. Only one data model: Your Java classes without any dependencies (POJOs). No more complex caching layer. No more inconvenient object copies. Simple and clean architecture. Core-Java features instead of database-specific concepts. The end result is a Java in-memory database app or microservice that is ultra-fast. MicroStream is predestined for any database app that needs high performance and especially for microservices having its own persistence. In this live-coding session, you will learn how MicroStream works and how to get started with MicroStream step by step. After that workshop, you will know everything that is important for developing ultra-fast database apps and microservices with MicroStream. And off course, we have enough time for Q&A. Topics: e.g. new features in MicroStream 4, setup, storage targets, configuration, object model design best practice, storing and loading data, lazy-loading, querying complex object graphs with Java Streams API, changing classes and using legacy type mapping / refactoring, backup strategies, providing apps and services access to the persistent data by using REST and GraphQL, using the MicroStream data viewer. Your trainer are: Markus Kett, CEO and Florian Habermann, CTO

avatar for Florian Habermann

Florian Habermann

CTO, MicroStream
Java since 1999. For over 20 years, the main goal of his daily work is making database development with Java much easier and faster than it is today. He still uses every free minute for coding and research.

Friday October 8, 2021 17:00 - 19:00 CEST
Workshop 01
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